Page 48 of Alien Storm

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Errok’s gaze went dark as an arrow slammed through his chest.

He fell to his knees, then collapsed.

A scream split the air as I started to run.

It wasn’t until I reached Gahn Errok’s lifeless form on the ground that I realized the scream was mine.



Ishould have knownGahn Errok was too stubborn to die that easily. His form wasn’t so lifeless after all. I fell to my knees beside him, terrified, only for him to take a deep, wheezing breath and rise unsteadily to his knees. I fell backward onto my ass in shock, staring at him open-mouthed as he placed his right palm flush to the end of the arrow poking out from his chest. His face contorted into a mask of fury and pain as he shoved his palm inward, painstakingly pushing the arrow further into his chest.

Scrambling to my hands and knees, I leaned around to see the arrow’s point sliding out of Gahn Errok’s back.

“What are you doing?!” I exclaimed, crawling back around to his front once more. “You need to lie back down!”

“If I get this out,” he rasped, “I can still shoot.”

“If you take that out, you could bleed to death!”

He ignored my very logical and practical statement.

His gaze was hazy, but he forced it into focus. I turned to see what he was looking at. Gahn Thaleo stood, still and silent, watching with piercing eyes.

“Oh, definitely not,” I told him. “We are completely done with this macho competition nonsense.”

Errok’s gaze slid to mine.

“It is not nonsense,” he hissed. “This is our way.”

I sighed. I didn’t want to be the ignorant human who clomped in here and stomped all over another people’s culture. But at the same time, I didn’t want to watch two men kill each other over me.

“This may be a tradition for your tribes,” said a voice from above us. Valeria stood with her gun in her hand. “But don’t forget that the terms of our treaty require peace from all parties. Violence between the tribes means you lose access to human resources... And human women.”

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