Page 64 of Edge of Sin

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She turned toward me, her eyebrow cocked.

“Things happened to me as a kid, too. And it carried on for years.”

She stared at me, motionless and silent. Shame began to well and boil in my veins. I was lying there, opening a big, raw wound where my secrets had chewed holes through my flesh.

“Oh, Enzo.” She looked at me with sadness in her eyes that softened her features. She looked at me with pity, which I’d never wanted.

I got my retribution, and I came to terms with my pain. And by that, I meant I’d buried my feelings and tried to fuck and fight them away my entire life. My abuse made me unwilling to love another person, and I thought I was incapable of it. Gia had ignited things in me since we met all those years ago, when we fucked like we didn’t hate each other. She created a smoldering fire within me, something that was not extinguishable no matter how much pussy I got. Gia didn’t extinguish it, either. She made the fire roar and strengthen until it licked at my insides.

“I love you, even though you’re a piece of shit Viglione.” Gia leaned in and kissed me.

I grabbed her face and made her stop, unsure I’d heard that right. I definitely heard the piece of shit part right.

My heart thumped against my chest, pleading with me to say the words back. Words I’d thought about spilling before now. “I fucking love you, Giovanna Silvani.” I pulled her into me and kissed her, letting my hunger for her drive my mouth.

We let ourselves become a wildfire, ripping apart everything in our path. With her, I never felt burned. But it was only a matter of time before our past would become a flame, hunting us down with its unbearable heat.
