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“I wanted to wish you good luck for the game tonight. Last first game ever. I can’t believe I won’t be there cheering you on.”

The feeling in my stomach intensified. “That’s kind of what I’m calling you about. I feel weird. I’ve never felt this way before a game.”

“Weird? What do you mean?”

“Like my stomach’s all in knots. It’s like being nervous, but I have no idea why I would be.” I looked both ways before continuing after the stop sign. “I’ve never been nervous before a game.”

“You are Mr. Cool, Calm, and Collected. It’s kind of annoying actually.”

“Gee thanks.” I continued toward the school, the feeling only growing.

“What happened earlier today? Did something bad happen at school?”

I wracked my brain, quickly settling on the last five minutes. “Well, I found out I’m homework partners with this girl who hates my guts.”

“Someone hates you?” She sounded more surprised than me telling her I was nervous.

I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn’t see me. “Her dog mauled me while I was surfing, and I told her to keep a hold of its leash before she hurts someone.”

“Fair,” Des said.

“But apparently that makes me public enemy number one.”

“Okay, so you don’t like her either.”

I let out a sigh, focusing on the road as I got closer to the school. “She’s annoying.”

“It’s the hesitation for me,” she said.

“What does that mean? Are you saying she isn’t annoying?” I reached the school parking lot and parked by Xander’s truck.

“You’ve seen enough of Mom’s telenovelas to know there’s a fine line between love and hate.”

I was really beginning to wonder why I called Des. “My life isn’t a soap opera.”

“Is she pretty?”

I sputtered. “Are you crazy?”

I could hear the smile in her voice as she said, “Is there any chance this ‘stomach pain’ is actually nerves because she’s coming to your game.”

“I’m hanging up now,” I said.

She lowered her voice. “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!”

“I’m calling Jude next time,” I retorted and hung up the phone.

But as I got out of the car and started toward the locker room, I had one thought on my mind...

What if my sister was right?



My heart beatquickly as I drove away from ETC to the day center to pick up my dad. He’d had a decent first week, even though Wednesday night he was tired and went to bed earlier than normal. I assumed pick up would be okay.

But the thought of going to Diego’s football game had me on edge. Sports and I did not get along, and sitting on a cold metal bleacher watching my enemy and a bunch of guys I barely knew did not sound like a fun time.
