Page 25 of The Orc Boss

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And then the bastard hooked his fingers, tapping a special spot deep inside me.

The orgasm came hard and fast like a freight train barreling off the tracks towards me. It caught me off guard. I bucked and flailed, almost rolling off the side of his legs. I couldn’t stop the embarrassingly loud whine that escaped from my lips as pleasure gripped me.

“Don’t worry, lass. I got you,” Ansel said from somewhere in the distance. I left him somewhere on earth as my soul floated above our bodies to ride the waves of pleasure in a different dimension. He continued to stroke my clit as I writhed, stretching out my orgasm until I thought I was going to break.

After it was all over, I laid sprawled out on his legs, my chest slowly moving up and down as I caught my breath.

He rested his hand on my stomach, leaning forward. “Am I really the first man to make you come?” he asked. “Because that was embarrassingly easy.”

I closed my eyes and groaned to myself.Oh goddess. What have I done?Every inch of my body still tingled. Moving was definitely out of the question. I was paralyzed from pleasure. I’ve had a lot of good sessions with my trusty vibrator before, but that was different. We had crossed a barrier and now I was desperate for more. Even after my post-orgasmic clarity—I wanted more.

Suddenly, there was an urgent knock at our door. I would have flopped off the side of Ansel’s knees like a fish out of water, if Ansel’s hand wasn’t there on my stomach, holding me in place.

“Time is up. Pay for more time or get out.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ansel called out. “We’re wrapping up here.”

He slowly helped pull me up to an upright seated position. “What are we going to do? How are we getting out of here?” I whispered. “They’ll kill you if they see you and—and—”

“Hey.” He pressed his hand to my cheek, dragging my attention to him. “I got in here without them noticing, so I can leave the same way. Don’t worry about me, Skye. But this isn’t going to work unless you can relax for me, ok? Now, I want you to listen very carefully.”

I nodded quickly. His hand still pressed to my cheek.

“You are going to put on my jacket to cover yourself up. Without talking to anyone, you are going straight to the door where Liam and Demie dropped you off. I want you to wait for me there. Do you remember how to get there?”

“I . . . think so?”

“Good. And Skye,” he studied me for a long moment, “if they stop me at all. Don’t stay to help. You’ll only get in the way. Do you understand? If anything happens,run.”

Chapter twelve

“Havefuninthere?”the demon asked as soon as I stumbled outside; my legs feeling as sturdy as marshmallows. He was leaning against the wall and gave me the slow once-over from my heels to Ansel’s jacket hastily buttoned over my body (luckily it was long enough to cover my ass), and to the crooked wig on top of my head. I quickly straightened the wig as he met my eyes and gave me a smile that made my skin crawl.

“Usually, I don’t let sessions go that long, but it sounded like you were really enjoying yourself in there.”

Oh. Oh no. Noooo. Did he actually hear me in there? I swallowed down the nausea and motioned down the hall, “The locker room is that way, right?” He nodded, and I started heading in that direction. Before I got too far, I turned to the demon again. “Did that orc in there actually pay for the dance?”

He raised his brows. “Yeah, why? Did he not tip you? I don’t care who these guys work for, you always tip the women.” He pushed off the wall, ready to fight.

“No—he did.” I moved between the demon and the door, just in case Ansel decided this was the right moment to leave. “I was just wondering. Well, have a good night.”

Did Ansel break into a club, filled with his own enemies, and instead of finding me and making a quick escape, requested and paid for a dance from me? Either he was brazenly reckless when it came to the safety of his own life, or he really wanted that dance.

And if that was the case, I should be the one paying him. A lot of money. Because that was hands-down the best orgasm of my life.

The club music drowned out the click of my heels as I rushed down the hallway. I passed by other bouncers, dancers, and other waitresses, but no one stopped me or followed me with their eyes. This was such a seedy place that I’m sure seeing a fleeing woman wasn’t out of the ordinary for them.

Wait. I skittered to a stop in the hall and peered over my shoulder. The coast was clear: Ansel wasn’t following me yet. If I hurried, made it outside before he reached me, I may actually have a chance of escaping . . .

Did I want that? I hesitated for a moment before mentally slapping some sense into myself. Of course I did. One mind-blowing orgasm didn’t mean I should throw my life away for some sexy vigilante.

“You looking for someone, darling? Because I’m right here.”

My head whirled to the front to find the older, handsy orc I had run into earlier, standing too close to my personal bubble. I took a big step backwards, away from him and his wandering hands.

I forced a tight smile. Ansel ordered me not to talk to anyone, but Bram wasn’t giving me any other choices. He practically clogged up the entire hallway. I noticed him inch a little closer to me.

“No, I wasn’t looking for anyone,” I said. “I was actually on my way out. My shift is over.”
