Page 64 of The Orc Boss

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When he was finished, he sighed and bent his head down, pressing his lips against my forehead.

That was better than anything I had ever experienced. Of course, I had only been with one other man, but this experience transcended beyond just sex. It felt almost like a spiritual experience, like the Holy Goddess had opened up the heavens above us to grant our union with her blessing. How could Ansel deny such strong feelings?

But as he pulled out of me and tucked himself back inside his briefs and buckled his pants, it was then I saw the uncertainty cross his features. It was brief, and I had almost missed it, but it was there. He looked uneasy, almost apologetic.

This wasn’t a spiritual experience for Ansel that transcended all the fears he had if he stayed with me. It was just sex under a bridge with another woman. Something he’s probably done over a thousand times.

I couldn’t deny Ansel cared about me. But those feelings were not enough to see this relationship through, and I was tired of begging men to stay who had no interest in fighting for me.

I pushed off the ledge, ignoring his outstretched hand to help me down. My legs felt shaky underneath me, but I steadied myself against the wall and pulled my skirt down over my ass. Without a word, I strode past Ansel, heading in the other direction of the restaurant.

“Skye?” Ansel said, jogging to catch up with me. “Where are you going? The restaurant is back that way.”

I kept my eyes forward, unable to look at him as his cum dripped down my leg. “I’m not hungry anymore.”


“We need to get back to the warehouse. We have a lot of work to do before tomorrow.”

Chapter twenty-seven

“Wherethehellhave you been?” Liam yelled as soon as we walked in, all his anger directed towards Ansel. “Have you forgotten that we’re storming Gregor’s mansion tomorrow and we still haven’t discussed strategy?” Liam stood from the table, where he and Demie were currently cleaning a wide array of guns and strode towards us. My stomach lurched at the sight of all the weapons, the reality of the situation sinking in. Ansel stopped dead in his tracks once Liam reached him, holding up his hands in defense as the elf continued his verbal tirade.

I didn’t catch what Ansel said in response as I ducked past and made a beeline for the stairs, heading towards the bathroom. I desperately needed a shower to wash Ansel’s scent off me. His earthy scent filled my nose, making it hard for me to focus on anything except how good his dick felt inside of me.

I ignored the curious look Demie gave me as I waddled past, hoping I didn’t look like a woman with dried cum sticking between her legs.

I returned thirty minutes later, freshly showered, and most of my wet hair pulled into a messy top knot. The pieces of my hair that were too short to pull into a bun hung around my neck, drying in loose waves. I ditched the leather skirt and bodysuit for one of Ansel’s larger shirts, which was long enough that it hung well past my ass. The last thing I wanted was for Ansel to catch me wearing his shirts like a lovesick freshman wearing her boyfriend’s varsity jacket, but I really didn’t have a choice. None of my comfortable clothes were clean, so it was either wear his shirt and deal with the embarrassment, or work in my undies.

I sat down at the table as far away from Ansel as possible. We hadn’t spoken a word to each other since the restaurant, not even in the car ride home, and I intended to keep it that way until I had better control over my emotions.

Liam had stopped yelling at Ansel and though everyone was working quietly, the room was still tense. Painfully tense. And I couldn’t tell if it was because Liam was quietly fuming or because I was. All Ansel needed to do now was piss off Demie for some stupid reason, and the orc boss would have a mutiny on his hands.

“Here,” Liam said, dropping his laptop in front of me. He studied me, giving me a frown. “Please don’t break it. And please no snooping.”

I blew out a breath of air, opening the laptop. “Don’t worry, Liam, I have no interest in looking at your folder of weird foot porn.” I said it under my breath so only Liam could hear me. But the room was so quiet that it reached the other two. Demie snickered under his breath as Ansel, standing on the other side of the long table, froze while cleaning his gun. Ansel’s eyes bulged as his lips pressed together, stifling a laugh.

“Everyone needs to grow up,” Liam insisted to the room as he walked away.

I spent the next two hours on the couch with Liam’s laptop propped on my lap, watching the videos Marcie had sent me over and over again until I could recite the instructions from memory. It was a little overkill; Ansel may think I lacked “street smarts,” but I was pretty damn good with technology and picked things up pretty quickly. But since everyone’s lives depended on me, I wanted to leave no room for error.

No pressure or anything.

I minimized out of the video and rubbed my eyes. Ansel, Liam, and Demie were still huddled over the table, discussing plans. I glanced over the back of the couch, making sure no one was looking in my direction, before I shifted in my seat and turned my screen away from the men.

This is for being a jerk to me this entire time,I thought, as I started scrolling through Liam’s files. Not that I expected to find anything juicy or scandalous, I just wanted the satisfaction of breaking his rule when he specifically asked me not to. Plus, I sort of loved snooping in people’s computers. I wasn’t a nosy person at heart, it just came with the territory of working in IT. You would be surprised at how many salacious things people looked up on the internet or kept saved in their work computers. Half the time they didn’t even have the common sense to clear their browser history.

I didn’t have to search long. I found a document titled “Briar” and without hesitation double-clicked on it. I scanned the long document, certain words like “love” and “my heart” popping out on the screen as if they were highlighted in red. After only a few seconds of snooping, I exited out of the letter—no, theloveletter–and closed the laptop, my mouth so wide I could feel my chin resting on my chest.

I stole a glance at Liam. He was standing next to Ansel, listening quietly as the orc gestured to some blueprints on the table. Liam’s brows were pushed together, making him look stern as he concentrated. For a moment, I tried to imagine why any female would be attracted to him. Sure, he was attractive in the same way all elves were attractive, but you would just have to spend five seconds talking to him before you realized a cactus had fewer prickles than him.

Oh elf. You’ve got some explaining to do.

“Skye. Skye. Hellooooo Earth to Skye. Can you hear me? I need another screw, please!”

I shook my head, breaking out of my trance. “Sorry,” I mumbled to Demie, who stood several feet above me on a ladder, wielding an electric drill in one hand and positioning the security camera against the wall with the other. I had wrangled Demie into helping me install the cameras inside the warehouse. It probably wasn’t necessary for hacking into the cameras, but I wanted to treat this like the real thing as much as possible. I handed another screw up to him.

The drill whirred for a moment before he added, “Wherever your mind is, please get it back on the mission. I really don’t want to die.”

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