Page 20 of Sold By The Siren

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“What…? I mean, yes! That’s right, he is! He’s my boyfriend.” I say, taking a second to figure out why my uncle said what he just said.

“Did he teach you that move?” asks Joey as he walks back toward us, presumably wondering how a girl of my size was able to do what I did to him.

“I got some moves from him, yeah,” I lie.

“Friends of Blondie’s are friends of ours,” The road captain says. “But you, Mark-Suki, or whatever your name is. Strictly business when it comes to representing my girl, understood?”

“Yes, of course. I meant no disrespect. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Mr. Captain,” My uncle says. The road captain laughs.

“Good. I’m Tony. I run things around here. You let Blondie know things are square between us,” he says, pulling his bandana off his head and holding it up to his bleeding nose.

“We will,” I say, relieved that Uncle Suki’s plan worked. We were holding our own, but the odds were against us, and the tide could have turned at any moment. We head back to my car, and I get in the driver’s seat this time. Uncle doesn’t argue and gets in on the other side.

“I almost didn't catch on to the ‘Blondie is my boyfriend’ thing,” I say as I drive.

“Only trouble now is what are we going to do when Southside finds out Blondie’s not really your boyfriend?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll handle it,” I say. I guess I’llhaveto meet with Blondie Josef now.



“Would you like some Vodka?” I ask.

“Is that all you guys drink?” Katana asks and hands me some kind of candy. He called last night after Brenda conked out on the bench and asked to meet with me today. So, I drove back to my apartment this morning and showered. I thought about suiting up but ended up putting on jeans and a nice, tan short-sleeved Henley shirt.

“I am Russian, you know. It’s seven in the evening there right now.” I say and hand him a glass.

“Fine. This won’t be the first noon cocktail I’ve had. The candy is Seaweed Tempura. It has Mollusk Shellfish in it, so don’t eat it if you’re allergic or a vegetarian or something,” Katana says and takes the glass as I take a bite of the candy. It’s pretty good. A mixture of salt and sweet taste pairs well with the vodka. Katana is wearing tan slacks and a black polo shirt instead of a suit which tells me this is more of a casual meeting than a sanctioned sit-down, as I thought.

“Have a seat and tell me what this is about,” I say, motioning to the living room area. I feed a log into the fire and sit in my chair facing the front door. Katana sits on the couch.

“The Siren sold Marika Yumiko’s contract to a Russian. I listened to the girl's demo. She’s good, very good. Her contract is a good bet to be very valuable in the future,” Katana says and takes a sip of the Russo-Baltique Vodka. “Wow, this is good.”

“Glad you like it. It cost a small fortune,” I say. My heart is starting to race, but I’m trying to be cool. “So, what Russian bought the contract?”

“I’m not sure, but the singer’s old man, Yuuto Yumiko, the Yummy Records guy, went to Sonomi and tried to negotiate to get the contract himself. I’m pretty sure the girl doesn’t know about that. Anyway, a Russian had bought it already, I’m told, and asked to keep the transaction on the down low. A Russian owns her now, bro,” Katana takes another sip and looks at me.

“It wasn’t me. Are you sure about this?” I ask. I’m surprised and more than a little angry at the news. I’m not mad at Katana for being the messenger, though.

“We’re partners now, so I don’t mind telling you that I have someone on the inside of the Siren’s outfit, close to her. That’s where I got the intel. My guy doesn’t know all the players involved just yet. I didn’t think you would buy the contract without letting me know. I’m sure it’s good intel, though.

“Also, the old man offered the Siren a share of his company if she gets the contract back and gives it to him. No disrespect, Josef, but you may want to take a look around inside your crew,” Katana finishes.

“Thank you, Kato, for the info and for this delicious candy. I will take a look. Want another drink?” I get the bottle and fill up our glasses.

“Thanks, man. This really is good stuff.”

It reallyisgood stuff. I got it for less than a tenth of the regular price from one of my black-market connections. I gulp a sip louder than intended, thinking about what I’m going to do to whoever bought the contract. I smile and nod as I finish my drink.

“Hey, it could just be one of your people bought the contract for you as a gift or something. Maybe that’s why they didn't tell you,” he offers, and it is a possibility.

Why would Sonomi Sagawa sell the contract of someone with so much earning potential? I think about the Siren’s pump-and-dump contracts that Artyom told me about. I find myself once again getting all worked up over something happening to this girl.

“The Yuks are entitled to a piece if one of my people bought it, ” I say, using my best poker face to seem calm.

“That’s not what this is about, Josef. You helped us, helped me. If a Bratki did in fact buy it, you guys can keep the cut. But going forward, we agree to the standard sharing deal for any more contracts with Siren,” Katana says.
