Page 130 of Ace of All Hearts

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“It took a bit of convincing, but she was too scared of Viktor finding out about her involvement in your escape to say no.”

“Well done,” I smile. “You kept yourself out of trouble. She didn’t, though. Poor woman…found in the Silver Snake River.”

He waves a hand in the air, dismissing my words. “Don’t pretend like you cared for the bitch who hit you daily. No, what you should care about is that I didn’t go through all that trouble for you to show up at Vue and tell me you want to see your captor.” He finishes with a low voice, making sure I understand he’s not joking.

“Ex-captor,” I correct him.

“Don’t piss me off.”

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath.

“He came back for me. Did you know?”

That makes him straighten in his seat. “When?”

“A few weeks ago. He showed up and told me he wanted me to come back.”

“But you didn’t?”

“He gave me two months. He’s a patient man.”

“No, he’s not,” he sniggers. “He’s been using the old warehouses and routes.”

“What?” I choke, both my hands going to the arms of the chairs.

He runs a hand through his hair and pulls at the roots. “I’ll bet my life you’ve got seven days left.”

“How do you know?” This whole situation is giving me bad vibes after bad vibes.

“Because the houses will be empty in seven days, and he’ll be filling up the new ones. That’s when he’ll need you. Not because he felt bad for you and your little quadruple.”

“But I’m the one who asked for two months,” I explain, still hoping what he says doesn’t add up.

“Good thing you didn’t ask for more. He would have said no.”

I bite my tongue as my jaw tightens to the point of breaking my teeth.

“Motherfucker,” I finally say.

“Viktor doesn’t care about your feelings, Rose. He only cares about how useful you are to his business.”

“Fuck!” I snap, hitting the metal desk. “I’m not going back.”

“You wanted to see him just to tell him you wouldn’t go back? How fucking naïve are you?”

“I was going to give him the new locations and…and tell him I was done.”

He shakes his head at me like I’m the most stupid girl he’s ever seen. “And what about the next? And the ones after that? Have you gone stupid?”


“The man has found a way to make his entire criminal organization untraceable. And you think he’ll let you go?”

“You helped me escape! Surely you thought I had a chance—”

“I thought you’d be smart enough to stay far away from here.”

“I wanted to,” I bite back. “Except Sam had other plans. You know, like using me to find Viktor. It was a bit hard to keep away when I was being used to find the brothers.”
