Page 146 of Ace of All Hearts

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“I-I don’t know where it is exactly,” I cry out. “Rose…” Tears are starting to flow down my cheeks and obstructing my vision. I need her. She’ll know what to do.

She must take a step toward me because I hear Viktor tutting her. “I said stay, Rosalind.”

“Please.” I look up at him. “He’s going to die.”

“I guess you should really get him to the hospital.”

I nod as a sob wrecks my chest.

“Alright, then. You do that, and I’ll take Rosalind home.”

“No, no. Wait,” I whimper. “Rose, please. Don’t go. I need you.”

She shakes her head as I look up at her. Her eyes squeeze shut to avoid the reality of the situation.

“It’s your choice, really,” he insists to me. “I can leave right now with her, and you get Malik some help. Or I can stay right here until he bleeds out. Either way, I’m not leaving until Rosalind is in my car, seatbelt fastened.”

“Viktor, stop,” Rose rasps. “I’m coming with you.”

“No!” I shout as another sob breaks me. “I can’t…I can’t do this on my own.”

Viktor snaps his fingers, and Rose makes her way to him.

“No, wait. Wait, please wait,” I bawl. Lik’s eyes are closed now. “Rose, I’m scared.”

She looks at me before leaving. “Don’t be scared,” she whispers. “You’re the strongest woman I know.”

She’s out of our house before I can reply. Viktor gets closer to me, and my trembling is uncontrollable. He puts a hand in my hair, softly, almost caringly.

“Don’t be sad to lose her. She knew all along that she was coming back to me.”

My heart is about to stop beating. The worst thing is, I’m not surprised by his words.

Of course not, he had her brainwashed. It was always him over us.

He gives me one last look. One last smile, and he’s out, closing the door quietly behind him.

“Lik,” I shake him. “Please wake up. Please, please wake up.” He doesn’t. “Oh my god,” I panic. I took too long. He’s going to die. He’s dead. I don’t know. “It’s going to be okay,” I tell his unconscious body. “S-stay here.”

I don’t even realize I make no sense as I run to the kitchen to get my phone. I dial emergency services with a shaking hand at the same time as I run back to the entrance.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

I look down at Lik and fall to my knees as I break into sobs.

His chest isn’t moving anymore.



Monster (Under My Bed)- Call Me Karizma

I’m in the middle seat. Viktor to my left and his right-hand man, Mikhail, to my right. We’ve been driving for ten minutes, and I can only now find my voice.

“Why?” I question in a whisper.

“Because you didn’t want to come back, so I had to teach you a lesson,” he replies casually. “I hate being cruel, Rosalind.” Mikhail, letting out a mocking snort, cuts him off for only a second. Viktor gives him a pointed glare before carrying on. “But I will be if it keeps you in line.”
