Page 152 of Ace of All Hearts

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She puts an IV in my arm, and I’m gone before I realize it.

When my eyes open again, it’s because Anya is trying to stall someone. Valentin is gone, so she must be talking to someone else. “I can’t wake her. She’s very weak.”

“Get out of my way,” a voice barks. “Before I crush you.”

And this time, I recognize it all too well.

My body tenses, my limbs shake. Panic overtakes me as he walks past her.

“She looks awake to me.”

Why did I open my eyes if it was to wake up to a nightmare?

Aleksei comes to my side, his blue eyes piercing through me. I try to use the little strength I have to move away, but I’m too slow. He grabs my aching jaw, pressing on the bruises he’s already put there.

I’m too weak to move my arms and pry him off. A mix of the drugs Anya gave me and the pain is what’s keeping my body lethargic.

“Perfectly awake,” he smiles wickedly at me. “Did you get a good sleep? Are you all ready to come back with me?”

I try to shake my head, a whimper escaping me. I can’t. I’d rather die.

“Mr. Volkov, please,” Anya attempts. “She’s extremely fragile. You…you don’t want to break her beyond repair.”

I finally manage to pull a hand up but as soon as I touch his forearm to push him away, my stomach recoils. The feel of his skin against mine disgusts me to no end.

“Did you fix her?” he asks Anya as his hand comes to my thigh. “I want to play with my new toy.”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I attempt a ragged breath.

“Don’t,” I squeak as he brings his hand between my legs. The pain flares up tenfold. I grunt as he presses above the covers. “Please…stop.”

“You’re coming back with me, you know that? You’re going to be part of my girls now. Isn’t that exciting? I’m going to fucking. Ruin. You.”

I cry out when he presses harder against my sex. Despite the covers and whatever I’m wearing, the pain is unbearable.

“So?” he asks Anya again as he pulls his hand away. He still holds my jaw in a deadly grip, however. “When can I take her back?” he insists, shaking my head from side to side.

“She’s not going anywhere.” The other Volkov is back. He must have been on a killing rampage after I gave him the names, and yet he’s not got a hair out of place.

Aleksei lets go of me, and I can finally breathe again.

“Why not?” he bites out.

“I’m taking her. Go find another toy to play with.”

“What the fuck,” Aleksei hisses. “Viktor, do you have any idea—”

“I said what I said. My decision is final.”

“I want her,” he growls. “I’m the one who found her and brought her here. I can do whatever I want with her.”

Viktor does nothing more than raise an eyebrow at Aleksei to show his disapproval. “I think you’ve done plenty enough. No more damages. She’s precious.”

“No, she’s not. She—”

“If I see you anywhere near her, I’ll kill you.”

Plain and simple. No other explanation.
