Page 156 of Ace of All Hearts

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“Having a nap in my basement. Isn’t he meant to be a skilled hitman or something? The boy keeps getting caught. I don’t know why he still tries.”

“Let me see him.” I try to keep the panic down, but he’s got me, and he knows it.

He waves the paper at me and points at the sofa. “Only good girls who learn their coordinates get to make demands.”

I want to scream. I want to break everything and throw a chair at his face.

But I also want to see Sam.

So, I sit down and repeat the coordinates. Over and over again until he’s satisfied, and my eyelids drop on their own accord. Until he can safely throw the paper in his fireplace, and I know that I’ll be stuck here until he needs that information again.

A never-ending cycle.



Can You Feel My Heart- Bring Me The Horizon

I run my hands against my face before letting my head fall back against the cement wall. It stinks of mold in here and my head is throbbing from where they repeatedly hit me with the handle of the gun. It didn’t knock me out, although it made me dizzy long enough for them to drug me.

I woke up in what seems to be a basement an hour ago, and I can’t believe they have an actual jail cell down here. No need to tie me up or keep me asleep when they can see what I’m up to right behind bars. I’m sure someone is keeping an eye on me through the camera I see flashing in the corner of the room.

I never underestimated Viktor Volkov, but I should have taken his stupid note seriously. The one that said I’d only find him when he came to collect what was his.

It was never about me finding him. It was always about him taking back Rose and luring me in.

Now I’m sitting on a dirty floor, my back against the wall, while I’m scanning the rest of the basement through the bars of afuckingcage.

I cannot believe this shit.

I try to think of how I’m going to escape—and I know I can escape—but it’s impossible to focus when my mind is crowded with thoughts of Rose. Did he get to her? I have no doubt he did. Did she go willingly? Did Lik and Rachel try to stop her?

Lik must be going crazy trying to reach me to tell me Rose is gone and, when I don’t come back tomorrow morning, he’ll know something bad happened.

I won’t be there to stop Kill from coming out, then.

I know my questions will be partially answered when a door opposite my cell opens.

Viktor is coming to visit me on his own, and I’m sure he will have a lot to say. He takes his time to walk up to the bars, and when he’s finally right on the other side of them, I get up and face him.

He smiles at me like I’m an old friend he’s been missing. “Samuel. Here we are again.” He spreads his arms like welcoming me back home.

I didn’t visit this cell last time I got caught trying to get to Rose. It wasn’t the same place, and my stay was much shorter. Very bloody. For the Wolves, at least.

His arms come down, and he observes me as I stay silent.

“Well, you found me. Happy?”

My knuckles rub against my jaw, but my brain can’t come up with anything to say bar ask for where Rose is. That’s what he’s waiting for, and I won’t do it. He’s got the upper hand, and I need to be smarter than him.

“I’m not sure how long we’ll keep you here as we have other guests coming soon, but I’ll try my best to accommodate you.”

Come on, bastard, tell me something about her.

“I will have someone bring you something to drink at some point. Nothing to eat for now. I can’t have a big guy like you having too much energy in him.”

I glare at him, patiently waiting and perfectly knowing he is not bringing her up on purpose.

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