Page 164 of Ace of All Hearts

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Rose is not weak. No, she’s like me. Unbeatable, unhinged, in-fucking-vincible.

I let go of her hand and walk over to Viktor. “What have you done to her?”

He smiles at me. “Well, where should I start?” The fucker just watched me cut up his guard and he’s not scared one bit. I could change that.

“You broke her.” I stamp my foot. “See, now I have to kill you. I promised her I wouldn’t, and now Ihaveto.”

“You don’t have to do anything,” Rose announces as she tries to pull me back. “Let’s get Sam and leave.”

My head snaps to her. “Where is he?”

“In the basement. There’s a code to the cell. I’m sure Viktor will kindly share it with us.”

I smirk maniacally at him. “Yes. Won’t you, Viktor?” The end of my knife points at his neck while I do a little dance on the spot. “Say no. Then we can play some more.”

I see him swallow a lump of fear. Finally, the bastard is starting to get scared.

“6, 3, 2, 9, A.”

I frown when I realize his voice is not the only one I just heard say the code. Keeping my blade pointing at Viktor’s neck, I slowly turn around only to find Sam standing tall behind Rose, holding the back of her neck in the possessive way he sometimes does to me. He pulls her close and forces her head to tilt up at him.

His thumb wipes her bloody lip and he looks at the blood now coating his skin.

There’s a beat before Sam smiles slowly at Viktor and me.

“Did you hit her?” he says low.

No one talks. There’s the smell of blood and fear in the room, the tingling of excitement in my body. But it’s the heaviness of Sam’s words, his lethal presence, that keeps everyone’s mouth shut.

Until I let out a big, romantic sigh.

“Isn’t he so hot?” I tell Viktor as I turn back to him. That’s when I notice him gulping.

It’s probably from the deadly stare Sam is giving him.

“You shouldn’t have hit her,” I tell him slowly. “Don’t you know? If Rose White bleeds, it should be at our hands and no one else’s.”

Leaving Rose behind, Sam steps toward us. Dressed in all black, nothing tells me he’s just been in a fight except for his bloody knuckles and one strand of his gelled hair falling to the side of his face.

“You were right after all, Viktor,” Sam tells him as he stops beside me. “You do really need an enforcer. Because the current guards you have don’t do so well under torture.”

“You tortured my guards from inside your cell?”

Sam chuckles. “When you put a lion in a cage, you should hang a sign,” he taunts him. “Don’t get too close to the barrier. Our animals are dangerous and might turn you into their lunch.”

I can’t help the loud cackle that escapes my throat.

“They got too close,” he now says more seriously. “The same way you got too close to my woman.”

There is nothing Viktor can say or do right now, and yet I don’t see the defeat in his eyes despite tasting the victory for Sam in the air.

My boyfriend wraps his hand around my closed fist that’s holding the knife I’m pointing at Viktor, and I slowly let go for him to grab it.

“Sam,” Rose calls out. “You promised me.”

We exchange a look and I know what he wants, what heneeds. Because we understand each other on a level deeper than simple words.

I turn around and grab Rose by the waist, holding her at my front with her back against my chest. What Sam doesn’t realize is that she’s not even fighting me.
