Page 167 of Ace of All Hearts

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“Is this a competition?” I ask. “And if so, am I winning?”

“Where’s Rachel,” Rose asks as she walks into the house she said belonged to Aleksei.

“In the car,” I tell her, following after her.

She stops and slowly turns her death stare on me. “What do you meanin the car?”

“In the car. Right outside the compound.” I shake my head because why is she being dumb suddenly?

“What?” she hisses. Her hand holding the gun starts trembling, and I take a step back. “You brought my girl to this fucking place?!”

“First of all, I didn’t bring her. She’s the one who drove, so she brought herself. Secondly, stop always calling her your girl. We share something special too. She’s the one who took care of me in the last three days—”

She points her gun at me and shoots.

“Fuck!” I yell as I duck. “What the fuck is wrong with you? It’s the second time you attempted to shoot me in your life.”

“You’re welcome,” she growls as she keeps making her way in. Sam is already up the stairs, and she follows after him.

I look behind myself to find another dead man. I look up to watch Sam disappearing into a hallway and Rose following. I join them quickly.

“Sam,” Rose whisper-hisses. “I know you’re trying to lose me, and I’m telling you now. Aleksei is mine.”

“In your fucking dreams,” he throws back after opening a door.

“This is my revenge,” she insists as she goes after him. Sam shoots to kill, and another guard falls. “I’m not letting you take this away from me.”

“Mycontract.Mygirl.Mykill,” he growls back.

“That’s bullshit!” She keeps hurrying after him as he goes from one room to another. There’s an alarm that keeps blaring in the background, making us all aware that three skilled killers have made it past their security. “I don’t need you to be my knight right now. I need you to let me get it out of my system.”

He stops and snaps around. “Maybe I need to get it out ofmysystem. This man hurt you. He…” The actual word he wants to say doesn’t make it past his clenched teeth. “I want to see him bleed from my hands. I want to see the life die in his eyes and know that it’s because he touched what was mine.”

“No,” she replies sternly as if it was the most logical answer she could have said.

“No?” I repeat. “Do you understand how much we love you? Let us avenge you, princess,” I insist.

“And I need you two to understand that I’m doing this forme. Not for your pride, not because you think you’re hurt that someone touched me. You already got Viktor, and I didn’t agree to that, though I’m being kind enough to let it slip. Aleksei did what he did tome. I get to kill him. Now get out of my way.”

She pushes past us, and we follow quietly, neither of us convinced to let her handle this on her own.

When we get to a steel door at the end of a hallway, Rose freezes. She takes a step back and wipes her sweaty forehead with her wrist.

“What’s this room?” Sam asks calmly.

She shakes her head and looks away.

I put a hand on her shoulder. “You can do it, princess.”

Her hand tightens around her gun.

“Is that where the girls are?” Sam nudges her. And by asking that, we know that if it is where they are, it was also where she was being kept before she moved in with Viktor.

“For a whole week, I was kept in there wondering when it would be my turn. I had a bed next to Juliette’s. She was just a kid, and she was the one reassuring me most of the time.He’s not so bad, you’ll see. He has his good moments.”

Her voice lowers by the second, barely an audible whisper by the time she carries on. “How can someone put a kid through this? That whole week he didn’t choose her or me. Guards would come down and grab the other girls. And then…they came for Juliette.”

Her body trembles reliving the event. “I couldn’t stand there and do nothing while they took a nine-year-old to be assaulted. So I told them to take me. It would have happened one way or another.”
