Page 190 of Ace of All Hearts

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Rose has started picking up those healthy habits of communicating more since she’s seeing her therapist. She asks for help more often, even if it’s just for tiny things. Or she’ll wake one of us up in the middle of the night and tell us why she can’t sleep. Which nightmare it is that still haunts her. Not so strangely, all her nightmares are back to being about Bianco. She feels safe from her other demons now that we’ve slayed them for her.

What she’s never done, though, is explicitly say that she was feeling mentally unwell. This is new to all of us, and our reactions have been entirely different.

Rachel was the first one to reply to her text. Her nurturing nature beat all of us.

Rach: It’s not dumb, baby. Thank you for letting us know. I can come pick you up from classes now and we’ll spend the afternoon together. How does that sound?

Lik was next.

Lik: I’m having classes in the north building, I’ll join you now.

She shut both down by saying she was at the library and wanted to finish whatever she was studying before seeing anyone.

I didn’t say anything because I didn’t have my phone with me all day. I’ve just returned home from buying some new weapons for myself and was out of town all day. It’s late now. Past dinner late and Rose just messaged that she’s still at the library. I don’t know if she’s avoiding us, reality, or genuinely studying. All I know is she isn’t here.

“God, Sam,” Lik snaps at me. “Fucking say something.”

I open my mouth to talk, unsure of what will come out, when my phone rings in front of us.

Vito Luciano, shows on the screen and my brows furrow. That’s rarely good news.

“I’ll only be a minute,” I mumble as I take the phone and go to my office.

I close the door before picking up. I don’t say anything and just wait for him to talk.

“You got played like a fucking rookie, did you know that?” Vito says calmly on the other side.

I take a seat at my desk and take my time to try and understand what he means, but nothing comes up. Knowing I won’t ask, he carries on.

“You know what happens when theCosa Nostra’senemies start making a lot of noise, Sam. Our families unite.”

I grab a pencil on my desk and start stroking it, suddenly nervous.

“You got a contract for the Volkovs. You chopped one of the heads off and three grew back. The Bratva is making a lot of noise. Too much, in fact. They’ve been weakened, and they feel the need to show they’re strong.”

“What are you saying, Vito?”

“I’m saying they’re trying to scare us, and they’re trying to hurt us. And when theCosa Nostrafeels threatened, we become one, no matter what. Bianco sent you to kill the brothers because he knew the Bratva would unite against us and us against them. And that if we wanted a chance to win that war, we would need him.”

“You better not be telling me…” I cut myself off, fear gripping my stomach.

“There was a hearing last week. The four heads of the families went to testify in favor of your old boss. My father included.”

“Vito…” I growl.

“Bianco was freed earlier today.”

The pencil in my hand snaps as I stand up.

“He knew what he was doing all along, Sam. I’m sorry.”

I hang up right away. My hands are shaking when I grab my car keys and leave my office. I call Rose’s phone right away, shouting at Lik and Rachel that I’m leaving while I wait for her to pick up.



Nightmare- Halsey
