Page 34 of Ace of All Hearts

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He flew back all the way from LA to attend Conor and Rachel’s big engagement party. Then he convinced me to be his date, and now I’m in his limo, in a gown. Fuck.

“They’ve been engaged for almost two years, and they waited for me to come back from being kidnapped to have their engagement party? If that’s not rubbing it in my face, I don’t know what is.”

He grabs the bottle of champagne and pours both of us a flute. “Rachel sleeps with you behind his back. I think we both know who got the shit end of the stick here.”

“Not anymore, she doesn’t,” I clarify. And by that, I mean we haven’t slept together since their threesome in the car. Or whatever it was. “I didn’t get an invite anyway,” I huff.

“That’s why you’re my plus one.” He winks at me and gives me my glass.

I take a large gulp, needing the alcohol more than ever.

“I get it hurts,” he finally says after a moment of silence. “You two were meant to be.”

I chuckle sadly. “Were we? I treated her like shit. And I was mad at her because she, Sam, and Lik wanted to give me a taste of my own medicine. God, I’m such a hypocrite.”

“It’s more complicated than that. We both know that.” Luke is aware of everything that’s been going on, since we caught up on it yesterday. I don’t need to hide anything from my best friend. His mouth twists. “So you didn’t really sort it out when she came to see you?”

“Yes and no. You know me, I hold my grudges for as long as I feel hurt. I still feel it.”

“I don’t know how I can help except by saying, grow the fuck up, Rose.”

“Come on. How could she do sex…stuff—”

“Stuff?” Luke snorts. “What are you? Twelve?”

“It’s still unclear what they did exactly. My point is…how could she do that with him and his boyfriend without me?” I take another large sip of champagne. “Hethreatenedher life! She makes no fucking sense.”

“Yeah, ‘cause he never threatened yours…” Luke mumbles sarcastically.

I can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, but I’m fucked up, that’s no secret. No one ever messed with her brain.”

“Maybe not, but,” he hesitates, shifting in his seat, “you know, you don’t have to have something happen to you to like weird sex…stuff.” He repeats my word for lack of a better one.

“Yeah,” I sigh. “I know. And I feel like shit ‘cause I always made her feel like I had a reason for being weird and she didn’t.”

“You’re not weird,” he corrects me. “You’re rude, annoyingly smart, and full of yourself. But you’re not weird.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“Possessive, kind of sociopathic. Way too good of a liar. A tease and—”

“Fucking hell, I get it,” I snap, turning to the window. “Coming from a guy people used to call fuckboy-Luke, that’s rich.”

His mischievous smile and the cheekiness shining in his baby-blue eyes tell me he got precisely what he wanted: riling me up.

“I’m so glad you’re my date tonight,” he says with genuine happiness.

“You need a membership to my fan club.”

He messes with my hair and nudges my shoulder. “I don’t even like you. I just don’t want to be there without a date.”

“What happened to that LA girl you said was the one?” I wiggle my eyebrows. He wouldn’t shut up about her a few weeks ago.

“Yeah, I was wrong. It wasn’t love.” He shrugs his shoulders.

“What a surprise,” I deadpan. He does this every single time. He is so desperate to fall in love, he acts like it is every time he meets a new girl, just to find out it wasn’t love at all. Just his dick talking.

The car parks right at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the town hall. I take a deep breath, bracing for the pouring rain and the fact that I’m going to see the woman I love in the arms of a man I hate. Yet another reminder of everything I lost while I was with Viktor.
