Page 43 of Ace of All Hearts

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A huff leaves me out of pure frustration. That girl is a beggar for trouble. She lives for the thrill of getting caught doing something she shouldn’t. And at this rate she’s going to take me down with her.

I go back inside at the speed of light. With the rain falling hard outside, everyone’s crowding in the living room. Jumping toDelinquentsby Call Me Karizma, the crowd of sweaty bodies loses itself to the drugs and alcohol they’ve consumed. And in the process, none of them notices me trying to make my way to the bathroom.

I have to intentionally push people out of the way, shoving through them and driving in-between tight groups. Someone calls my name in the background, but I ignore them. I need to get to Rose, because if Sam realizes where she’s gone and gets to her first, she is not in for a good time.

Pushing the door to the bathroom open, I find one of Xi’s good friends, Tamar, running a hand against Rose’s back while the latter is bent over the sink snorting coke.

After all the times Rose must have gone to North Shore parties during her senior year, I had never seen her at one. Somehow, she always went when I wasn’t there. It’s probably for the best, because I’m not sure how long I will be able to hold back from grabbing her and dragging her out of here.

“Tamar, babe,” I call out to her. She turns to me, her pupils so wide I know coke is not the only thing she’s done tonight. Rose comes back up and smiles at me. At least she looks less drugged up than my friend.

“‘Sup,” Tamar says as she grabs Rose by the waist and brings her closer.

I know they slept together before. Way before I did. Shit, they slept together before I even knew I liked pussy. But the jealousy that spikes through my body makes me want to chop every single one of Tamar’s fingers that is touching Rose.

“Lik, this is Stoneview coke,” Tamar cuts off my violent thoughts. “It’s pure as fuck. You should try it.”

I doubt that. We sell to Stoneview, and our coke is far from pure at the moment. Our supply problems are only starting to resolve with the help of the Luciano family, but it’s not sorted as of yet.

Rose shakes her head. “That’s Luke’s. It’s better than the shitty powder we get in Stoneview.”

I struggle to swallow. The temptation to do one line just to be part of the fun and be closer to Rose is electrifying my body.

Sam would kill you. Absolutely destroy you. It wouldn’t be the fun kind of pain.

I shake my head, refocusing on the problem at hand.

“Tamar, you need to leave.”

“Why?” she whines. “We’re having fun!”

“Yeah,” Rose adds, her gorgeous smile wide on her face. “We’re having a lot of fun, Lik. Why don’t you join?”

She puts her arms around Tamar’s neck, and when their lips meet, I feel Kill knocking on the door. My beautiful alter-ego who adds a dangerous edge to my fun.

Knock. Knock. Time to fuck shit up.

Teach her a lesson.

Kill Tamar for putting her hands on your property.

My property? Rose isn’t my property. She’s nothing. Sheshould benothing. She’s doing this to trigger me. She’s not even enjoying it, I can see it so plainly.

What is so special about her? Why can’t I get my head around what it is exactly? What is it about her that caught me off guard and drew me to her so powerfully that I know there’s no way of coming back? It took her a few days to get me in her web, to wrap me in it, and promise to never let me go.

Tonight, she’s wearing straight black jeans and a pink hoodie with a drawing of Totoro fromMy Neighbor Totoroon it. That’s it. And I bet half of the people in that crowded room stopped to look at her when she walked in. For fuck’s sake, what do we all see in her?

She’s too skinny, too tall. She’s got no boobs, and her hair is way too long to be practical. She’s a rude bitch who doesn’t care about anything or anyone, not even herself.

And yet, here I am. Ready to grab Tamar by the hair and drag her out of the room, kicking and screaming, for attempting to steal her from me. Because despite all her flaws, Rose isherself. And that’s all I need.

Nothing I ever liked, nothing I wanted, and yeteverythingI need.

A moan rises out of Tamar’s throat when Rose bites her lower lip and runs a hand between her legs.

Fists tight and my voice low, I talk to Rose. “If Sam could see you.” I take a step closer to them, and my girl finally gives me her attention. “You wouldn’t want a repeat of the last time we caught you with someone else, would you?”

While I believe with all my being that she will heel, show me respect, or at least some fear, I seem to forget she isstillRose White.
