Page 47 of Ace of All Hearts

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Lik is right behind me. I feel his breath on the back of my neck. Something cold and hard runs against my arm. The key.

“Don’t worry,” he says in my ear. ‘We’ve got all we need.”

I’m sick of their game already, and my mind keeps displaying details that hurt me at the forefront of my thoughts. Like Sam telling me they’ve all been seeing each other behind my back in the last few days. I feel ill imagining Rachel’s body in between Sam and Lik. She told me she didn’t want to have sex with them, so why can’t I stop all sorts of scenarios running through my head?

“Uncuff me,” I tell Lik quietly, my eyes seemingly unable to move away from the exact spot Sam’s fingers touch Rachel.

“Sounds a lot like an order, princess. You’ll come to understand you’re not the one who dishes those out here.”

I feel my nostrils flare when my jaw tightens. My breathing accelerates, and I can’t even figure out if it’s because of the anger or the zap of pleasure that just crossed my body.

“I’m not in the mood for one of your sick sessions,” I spit.

I’m talking to Lik, yet my eyes are now locked on Sam’s. Just so he knows exactly what I mean by sick sessions. The sort of thing he does with his boyfriend. The kind he forced me to do on Monday and that made me feel so good I had to try and walk out of their lives for good.

Rachel must have taken a page out of Sam’s book tonight, because she is as silent as a winter night. Those nights we spent on her balcony, looking at how the moon reflected on the clouds. Clouds so thick they swallowed any sound around us. They soaked in our moans and whimpers from the way we loved each other while her parents were fast asleep on the other side of the hallway.

A chill runs down my arms remembering how cold we were but how scared she was of having sex in her bedroom out of fear of waking them up. We would warm each other with kisses and touches, love and passion.

And tonight, here she is, sitting next to the man I told her betrayed me. I didn’t tell her what happened exactly. I never told anyone. Not my family, not our friends. Not Rachel.

Not even Lik.

“I’m in the mood for one of our sick sessions,” Lik tells me, his lips dropping kisses all over the back of my neck, the sides, just below my ear. “And I think they are too.”

I ignore the shivers that start from my skin and dig so deep inside me they force waves of pleasure toward my lower stomach.

“I don’t get you, Sunshine,” I admit. “You won’t let me end Conor’s life, but you don’t mind going tohimfor help.” I do my best to spit as much venom as possible when I mention Sam.

My girl shakes her head, seemingly disappointed with my behavior, but she doesn’t engage.

“Oh my god,” I cackle a laugh. “What is your plan, Sam? Turning her into your clone? A little silentcoward?” My anger pushes me to take a step toward them. The second my foot touches the floor, Lik grabs the chain from the cuffs and pulls me back.

I hiss, feeling the cold metal dig into my wrists.

“Play nice, princess,” Lik chastises me. “We’re not here to argue. Are we, guys?”

Rachel shakes her head, but Sam doesn’t give me anything. So I push. The only way I know how.

“You think he’ll help you, Rach. And he’ll pretend he will. He’ll say he’ll protect you. He’ll say he’ll always be there.” I snort. “Trust me, he won’t be there when you need him the most.”

“That’s enough.” Sam’s voice is calm. A deep resonance hitting the walls of the room and imposing silence.

“What?” I mock him. “Can’t handle what I truly think of you? You’re a traitor, Sam. Your boyfriend is a little dog that’s too blinded by your dominance to see it. Andyou…”

I face Rachel until I see her slightly squirming on the sofa. Good. I want to say something to show how much she will regret siding with them…then Sam’s words during our dance come back to me.

“Is it true?” I rasp. “You came to my house. You sent me texts to apologize…but you were sleeping with them?”

Her eyebrows furrow, clearly confused.

“I never said sleeping, Rose,” Sam intervenes. “That’s only your jealous mind talking.”

“You said—”

“I know what I said. Rachel wanted to learn a few of my tricks, you know, mydominance,” he repeats my own word. “She wanted to learn more about authority, power exchange, and what a Dom does. Seeing the situation she’s in at home, it helps her to take back control.”

Rachel’s eyes dart to the side when I try to catch her gaze.
