Page 70 of Ace of All Hearts

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But, boy, she had something to say about protection. Rightly so. I’d never been like this before, and I don’t plan on doing that ever again. I’m now being eaten away by a fear in my stomach. A little voice in my head keeps repeating how stupid I am.

“What kind of weirdo has nachos for breakfast?” Lik asks, his nose wrinkling like I’ve come to notice he often does. His lips tip on one side, and he can barely hide his dimple from under the five o’clock shadow he sports as always. I’m getting used to his jabs, and I know he loves our back and forth.

It’s a strange relationship we’re building, both obsessed with the same girl yet not attracted to each other beyond friendship.

I did some research on my phone while we were in the waiting room at the clinic. Apparently, it’s a thing in polyamory relationships. I’ve been thinking about all the terms I read. ENM, CNM, quad, vee, metamours. It was all too confusing for me to remember all of them. What I do remember, is that it happens that two couples, like Rose and me and Sam and Lik, start mixing their relationships. It also happens that two people are into the same person yet not into each other and that they stay friends throughout the relationship.

So, I guess we’re normal. Right? Other people do it.

I cock an eyebrow at Lik. “This weirdo. I was told they were the best. I want to try them.”

“Who told you that?” he chortles.

“Jamie Williams, Jake’s girlfriend. You don’t know her,” I snap.

His tipped lips turn into a bright smile, like he knows something I don’t. “Oh, I know Jamie. Very well.”

“Sure.” I roll my eyes and play with the menu in front of me, bending the corners and digging the plastic under my nails.

“I promise. I spent a great night with her and Jake. It involved ropes, a blindfold, and a magic wand. Something we should definitely try with this princess here.” His eyes dart to Rose, and mine follow.

She’s typing on her phone, not really bothered about us. I catch bits of her text conversation. Jake is asking where she disappeared to yesterday, and I watch her type a half-lie, saying she was with me and not mentioning Sam and Lik.

“You don’t even know Jake,” I answer, jutting my chin. He’s making this story up just to irritate me. “’Cause if you did, you’d know he’s not the kind to share his girl.”

“Unlike us?” It feels weird to see he considers Rose our girl, although she doesn’t approve nor disagree, and when I look at Sam, he’s just following our conversation silently.

“Stop bullshitting me.”

“I’m not,” Lik laughs. “Jake and I were good friends in senior year. He came to our school for the second half of it. Trust me, I jumped on that right away.” He winks at me. “He and Jamie weren’t on good terms then. He asked if I wanted to play. How could I say no to him?”

A laugh explodes from my throat when I understand. “Oh my god, you’re into Jake!”

“Damn right I am. Have you ever met him?”

“So you only fuck Rose because she’s the closest thing you have to Jake,” I taunt.

Catching at least that bit of conversation, Rose lets out a disgusted, “Ew.”

A scratch of a throat takes us out of our bubble. The waitress is still waiting at the end of our booth, red covering her cheeks.

“I am so sorry,” I mumble, shame overtaking me for the conversation we were having in front of her. All just because Lik made a comment about me ordering nachos. “You justhadto criticize the nachos, didn’t you?”

Lik orders a mountain of pancakes with all the add-ons he can find, and Sam some scrambled eggs and an English breakfast tea. Not very surprising for them.

When the waitress turns to Rose, she doesn’t even lift her eyes from her phone. An annoyed sound bubbles from Sam, like a dad embarrassed by his teenager’s behavior.

“Rose,” he calls her. “What do you want to eat?”

“Not hungry,” she mumbles back, still exchanging lies with her brother.

I watch Lik bite his bottom lip, trying to suppress a smile at the excitement of Sam getting angry at Rose. I kick him under the table.

“Don’t look so thrilled,” I whisper to him. He only winks back.

The next second, Sam snaps Rose’s phone away from her hands. She looks up, pausing from the shock while she takes in what he’s just done, and he puts the phone in the back pocket of his jeans.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Give me my phone.”
