Page 97 of Ace of All Hearts

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Just as the car passes us, she explodes in a loud moan, and I curse as I come inside her. My entire body tenses and shudders, warmth spreading up my spine and wrapping around my chest.

“You fucker,” she groans against the seat. My hand is still in her hair, but I’ve relaxed and am not pulling at it anymore.

I watch my cum leak out of her and rub my fingers in it before pushing it back in. Now that we’re sure we’re all STD-free, I’ve been enjoying with more pleasure, watching my cum leak out of her.

“This is staying in there until we get home.” I finger her longer than I had planned to, rubbing my knuckles inside and enjoying the way she falls back into pleasure before pulling out.

“Do you have any idea how uncomfortable that is?” she complains.

“I do. I love watching you squirm uncomfortably, Lovebug. It’s a reminder that you get punished when you don’t obey.”

“I don’t think I can ever obey,” she admits quietly. She becomes so much more pliable post-orgasm. Her breath is relaxed, her eyelids heavy as she tries to keep her eyes open.

“And we love you so much for it,” I smile as I pull her underwear and jeans back up.



you should see me in a crown- Billie Eilish

29 days until Volkov…

The screech coming from the TV startles Rose next to me. She used to like horror movies and would always watch them with me. Since she’s been back, she seems more squeamish than she used to be.

Sound effects accompany the moment the masked man cuts one of the side characters’ throats. The slash of a knife, the uncomfortable wet, gory sound of flesh opening and blood pouring out. And the screams.

“Of course, she was going to die,” Lik barks at the TV through a mouth full of popcorn. “Who picks a lamp to defend themselves? Stupid woman.”

It turns out that Lik and I both love horror movies. Yet another thing that brings us closer in our platonic relationship. Except he watches them because he finds them funny and stupid and loves shouting at the TV. I watch them because they make me feel good. The blood tames the hungry demon in me. Like when I get to cut Rose, it also satiates my demon.

I grab Rose’s hand and put it on my lap. In their cabin, Sam and Lik have a TV room equipped with a giant screen and a huge sofa that could fit about ten people. The kind large enough that we can all practically lie down on it.

Rose cuddles herself against me, nuzzling her head in my neck as another moment of suspenseful music reaches us while the murderer looks for the other girls in the house.

“Something scary is coming, I know it,” she says, coming closer to me. Next to her, Lik wraps an arm around her waist.

“Why are you so scared,” he tells her. “They’re all going to die anyway.”

“Shut up,” Rose groans against my neck. Does she even realize something so small as her breath against my skin creates a wave of goosebumps that kick my heart into an unsteady rhythm?

Probably not.

Next to Lik, Sam is on his phone, not following the film in the slightest. He’s got a hand wrapped at the back of Lik’s neck and keeps massaging him, using him as a stress ball.

He’s probably talking to Jake, asking for updates about the tracker. It’s been almost three weeks, and we’ve heard nothing from him. Sam’s hope dies a little more every day, making him more desperate, angrier, and reckless in his actions to try and find the Volkov brothers.

He’s been killing informants who came back empty-handed, instilling terror in the people who work for and with him. He’s been around town torturing any of the Wolves he finds to get information, knowing perfectly that they have no idea where the brothers hide. I think he’s trying to lure them out, but we’ve heard nothing from them.

He and Lik have also been trying to catch Aaron Williams, but they’re no longer allowed inside Vue Club.

Something makes Rose jump again, and she crushes my fingers in her hand. I don’t say anything, too content that we’re watching this all together.

Almost three weeks. Has it really been that long since the three of us keep meeting here, getting into a habit of spending evenings together? Fucking Rose like our lives depend on it and cherishing her like the goddess she is? One month that I sneak out of my house every time I see Conor is at Beth’s, every time he’s on a business trip, at his parents, working with his dad or mine.

Rose and Lik go to classes during the day. During that time, Sam either teaches me how to fist fight or use weapons—naturally, blades are my favorite. I’ve started helping him in his search for the brothers. Only things that wouldn’t be too risky for me. He said I could do more when I’m ready, but he doesn’t want to put me in danger for now, whether it be getting hurt or arrested.

In the evenings I can be with them, I cook for them like I love to. Sam shows me more of his secrets to BDSM and teaches me about being a Domme. And our favorite toy to train on is always delighted to be used. Rose is so beautiful when she surrenders, there is no other way to describe it.
