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Laurence, unsurprisingly, agreed. Although, credit to my daughter, she hasn’t posted a photo containing Laurence in over twelve months. She hasn’t needed to. The followers keep coming because they realise as soon as they click, that she’s special all by herself. Or, as she says, because she creates ‘quality content’.

Lucy and Tiger are by the door now, but she yanks his arm and pulls him to a stop. She turns back, summons me with a waving hand. “Dad, come on!”

Laurence’s hand appears on the small of my back, urging me forward. “Come on,” he says, “Before the poor girl sends herself into labour.”

The reception has been in full swing for a few hours. It’s late at night, adults are drunk and stumbling across the dancefloor, children are flying like aeroplanes or skidding on knees around the room. Tears have been shed, laughter has been had, memories have been shared. On the outside, it’s reminiscent of my own wedding with Becca. On the inside, it’s the one she always deserved.

While Laurence is getting drinks, I spot Becca sitting alone at a table. She looks exhausted, but happy. Her cheeks are rosy and her perfectly styled hair has started to flyaway at the edges. But her smile hasn’t faded once all day.

“May I have this dance?” I say, offering my hand.

She looks up at me through her long fake lashes, that I know she’s applied just for today, and puts her fingers in my palm.

I walk her to the middle of the parquet floor, where the DJ has just started playing Have I Told You Lately That I Love You by Rod Stewart, which is perfect for us, and I know she feels it too as she puts her arms around my neck.

“Congratulations, Becs,” I say, my hands meeting behind her waist as we sway from side to side. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

Her head bows a little, hiding a nervous smile. “You don’t scrub up too bad yourself.”

“Well, our daughter’s an influencer now. I have to look, what is it, on point?”

Becca laughs. “Right.” When her laughter fades, she tilts her head, makes eye contact, and we just…gaze at each other. Dance in silence. Absorb the lyrics of the song which will always ring true for us. I will always love her, always need her, always be there for her.

“Are you happy?” I ask.

She breathes a contented sigh. “I never thought I could love anyone else the same way I loved you,” she says, still swaying, still smiling. “And, you know what, I don’t know if it is the same. I think what we had might’ve been one of a kind, in some strange, unconventional way. But it’s real. I love him. And yes, Will. I’m happy. Are you?”

“Yeah. I am, too.”

“And I think we’ve been incredibly lucky. You have Laurence, I have Russ, and we still have this. Don’t you think?”

In a bizarre coincidence, Russell happens to walk past while Becca’s talking, chatting away to his best man, but he sees us dancing…and offers a smile. Raises the glass in his hand in a silent toast. He’s been remarkable from the start, like Laurence. They see the connection between me and Becca, the history, the friendship, the love, and they acknowledge it without jealousy or contempt. We’re co-parents, best friends who don’t see each other as much as we’d like anymore, who will always share something profound and unbreakable, and are lucky enough to have each found someone we can give that different kind of love to.

“The luckiest,” I agree, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I’m happy for you, Mrs Jeffries. I hope today is the start of a wonderful rest of your life.”

As I finish, Laurence appears behind my shoulder. “Can I steal him?” he asks.

Grinning, Becca releases me. “He’s all yours.”

Laurence takes over, cradling my neck. “Did you hear that? You’re all mine.”

I grab his hips, pull him close. “I’ve been yours for a long time.”

“Do you wannae get out of here? I’ve reserved one of the suites upstairs.”

He kept that quiet, but it doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise. He’s starting our adventure early. Chuckling, I drop my head to his. “Laurence Cole, are you trying to corrupt me?”

He takes my hand, starts pulling. “Oh, William. Gimme two minutes and you’ll be begging me to corrupt you.”

And then, while Becca begins the rest of her life with Russell, I leave to continue the rest of mine with Laurence.

The end.
