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Laurence Cole: Pissed in Paris!

Fractured Star in Boozy Blunder

Is Hollywood Nice Guy Laurence Cole on the Edge?

“The edge of what? Who the fuck writes these headlines?” Huffing, I’m about to toss the phone back, but then another headline captures my attention.

Fractured Star or Fractured Stool?

Beneath it is a photo of me sprawled on the floor inside the bar, reaching for the hand of a man I’m very suddenly and very clearly remembering. “Oh…shit.”

“What is it?”

“Have you sifted through all this stuff?”

“Of course.”

My shoulders relax. “Okay. Good.”


I close my eyes, prepare myself for my last few moments on earth. “It’s just…I kinda maybe coulda told some people I was having an affair with a married man last night.”

Andy stands up. Starts pacing. “Jesus Christ.”

“But hey, they probably didn’t recognise me. And, well, it’s not on TMZ yet, is it? So…”

“Gimme my phone,” he demands, stopping at the end of my bed.

I don’t make eye contact as I hold it out.

“It appears I’ve got some calls to make. You… you get some coffee. Then get a shower because you fucking stink. Then, get some more coffee.”

“Right,” is all I say. I’ve had a thorough and fair telling off.

Andy heads for the door, pausing when he opens it. “And when I get back, me and you are going to have a long talk. A real talk…about feelings and shit.”

“Christ, Andy…”

He takes a cigarette from its packet, points at me with it as if it was his finger. “You need it, Laurie. I’m leaving now as your manager. I’ll be back in an hour as your friend. Got it?”

A nod is all I can manage as embarrassment takes over. And nausea. Ah, hell… “I’m gonna throw up.”

It actually takes Andy almost three hours to return. I’m in pretty much the same position when he gets back. In bed, hiding from the world. I’m clean, at least. My teeth have been scrubbed several times. Luckily, there are no new rumours floating around as far as Andy can see, and he knows all the right places to look, people to speak to. That American couple must’ve run as fast as they could and vowed to never think of me again. Thank God.

“Be honest. How much shit am I in with Alexa for not being on set today?” I ask, nursing what must be my fifth cup of coffee of the day.

“You’re late to set, that’s all. Told her you’d be there by three.”


“This is your job, Laurie. You’ll be on set by three.”

“So much for being here for my feelings,” I mutter behind my mug before taking a sip.

“Me not wanting you to throw your career down the drain is caring about your feelings,” he says.

Clearly, I need to work on my quiet voice.

“So, come on. Let’s talk it out,” he adds.

I literally squirm against the headboard, staring at Andy as he sits in the dressing chair with his arms crossed like a fucking therapist. “There’s nothing to say. I played with fire and got burned. It’s not like nobody warned me.” I shrug.

Sighing, Andy moves from the chair to the edge of the mattress. I wish he hadn’t. The mere closeness of another person makes emotion rise in my throat.

“If it’s that simple, then what was last night all about?”

I shake my head. I don’t want to do this. I can feel it rising, the pain in my chest. “Please, Andy. We don’t need to do this.”

“I asked what it was about.”

For fuck’s sake. “Because I love him, okay? Because he told me he was coming back to me and I…and I believed him. I still believe him.” Tears claw at my eyes, burning the edges. I don’t even try to stop them falling. “How stupid is that? That I still believe it. But he meant it, Andy. You weren’t there.”

Reaching over, Andy takes the mug of coffee, places it on the nightstand, and holds my hand. “Ah, I don’t think you’re stupid, lad. No more than I am, anyhow.”

“What’s that mean?”

“Well, granted, I didn’t get to know the fella on the same level as you, but I’ve known him longer, and I had him down as a decent bloke. It’s surprised me all this, disappearing without word or explanation. Bloody cowardly, it is. Always liked to think of myself as a good judge of character but…pfft.”

This isn’t helping. As hurt as I am, I’m not ready to hear William’s name dragged through the mud yet. If ever. “He’s no coward. Not William.”

“No? The man’s a cheater. I never saw that in him. Then, he gets you to fall in love with him before running back to the wife with nothing but a text message for you. Come on, kid. You’re not that naïve.”

I don’t believe it. I won’t. “You don’t know the whole story.”

“All right.” He drops my hand, moves to the top of the bed and makes himself comfortable, mirroring my position. “Tell me the story, then.”
