Page 13 of Undone

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Nah, impossible.

In the process of setting up the rack in the center of his living room, I took in the city view. Though you’d almost miss it behind all the clutter. You’d miss the cushy velvet couches too, with all the fabric strewn about. I stepped closer to the window and watched the vibe of the city down below. It was a physical thing, the sounds and smells and sights making your skin vibrate with energy. The linear view of the enormous buildings always made my breath catch and reminded me that Rowan had to be making some serious bank in order to live like this. Compared to this place, our apartment was a dump—or at least needed plenty of upkeep—but I wasn’t complaining. I was grateful to have a place to lay my head at night and a best friend that had my back so far away from home.

I carefully unveiled the clothing, then lined them up alongside other designs we’d pulled from another showroom earlier in the week. Rowan walked back and forth, arms crossed as he studied the selections, trying to decide what would work best for the shoot in the morning. Kendall, along with the photographer and the magazine representative, would undoubtedly weigh in, so there was nervous energy emanating from Rowan that he’d get it right. Not that he’d ever admit that out loud, but his habits spoke volumes. His job was important to him, and despite my thinking some of this stuff was ridiculous, I respected him for it. This was Rowan’s process, and I remained quiet as I watched him shuffle around the space.

The buzzer startled both of us.

Rowan motioned to the door. “Hope you’re hungry. I ordered you the pot stickers you like so much.”

My breath caught. “You did?”

He clucked his tongue. “Stop making such a big deal and go grab our food.”

I had already eaten, but I could never pass up those pot stickers with the brown dipping sauce. My mouth watered all the way to the door, and by the time I took the bag from the delivery man, I was salivating for them.

Occasionally Rowan did nice stuff that surprised me, and other times, I wanted to strangle him. Too bad he was so pretty to look at.

“I’ve got it,” I said, unpacking the bag, then reaching for two plates from his kitchen cupboard. I made up our dinner while he fussed over the shoes he’d placed beneath the rack, still trying to create outfits that would flatter Kendall best.

He absently reached for the plate from my outstretched hand, still mumbling to himself as he paced back and forth, and it all felt strangely familiar. Were we falling into a routine? I shuddered at the thought.

Not bothering to take a seat, he lifted his chopsticks and ate his sesame noodles with an elegant grace I could never pull off. It was as if he’d forgotten I was even there, which I appreciated right then because my talent with chopsticks, let alone eating, wasn’t really up to his standards. Casey had tried to teach me how to hold them properly, and though I still felt self-conscious every time I gripped them, I’d learned to stab my food out of desperation if I needed to. I could’ve reached for a fork at any point while I devoured the flavorful pot stickers, but I wasn’t a quitter.

I shut my eyes, savoring the last bite, then wiped my mouth with a napkin and…realized he’d been watching me. Shit, did I have something stuck to my face? “What?”

“Nothing,” he muttered, tearing his gaze away. “It’s just that you act like you haven’t eaten in days.”

I shrugged. “Maybe I haven’t.”

His eyebrows rose. “Are you serious—”

“Of course not.” I looked away so he didn’t know how close to the truth he’d come. It wasn’t like I was starving. I just needed to make responsible choices when it came to my meals. “But maybe I’m onto something. You’d probably feed me more often if you felt sorry for me.”

“Don’t push it.” He scoffed, then muttered under his breath, “You’re lucky you’re so—”

“Adorable?” I playfully batted my eyelashes. I’d once overheard him use that word to describe me to Kendall. The exact phrase was too adorable for his own good, and it had made me grin stupidly. I had no idea why I reveled in it, except for the fact that he was a hard man to please. I knew I wasn’t a troll—well, maybe first thing in the morning and especially after a night out.

He pointedly ignored me by handing me his empty plate, then fussing with the hem of a cream dress with pretty embroidery. Rowan loved his gowns, the fancier, the better, and lit up every time Kendall needed to wear one for an event or awards show—or, in this case, a fancy photo shoot.
