Page 26 of Undone

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“Do we have his attention?” His voice was husky, which was sort of sexy and made gooseflesh line my skin.

I glanced over Rowan’s shoulder. Brett’s eyes were narrowed in our direction while his date tried to get his attention by offering him a bite of cheese from one of the trays.

“Yep.” I gently dragged my hand from Rowan’s grasp before I started entertaining other thoughts. Sexy? Really? “My work here is done.”

He downed the rest of his drink. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into that.”

“I know it’s hard to be seen with someone who shops at Walmart. But you’ll get over it.”

He looked me up and down. “Not tonight. You’re wearing quintessential Lauren, and you look incredible.”

My stomach felt all funny, but I shrugged, pretending to channel his energy. “I always look incredible.”

He barked out a laugh. “Touché.”

The rest of the evening went by in a blur as I watched him bid on auction items. Eventually, I fished the measly twenty bucks out of my pocket to purchase a ticket of my own.

“What do you have your eye on?” he asked in amusement as I tried my luck at a trip to a spa, even though it was a far-fetched fantasy. “Have you never experienced a massage or facial?”

I blinked. “Do you really have to ask?”

Before he could pity me, I pointed out that dinner was being served, so we made our way to our seats next to strangers who were way too chatty. Thankfully, Brett and his date were on the other side of the room, so we didn’t have to pretend.

Dinner was steak and shrimp, and I shoveled it in, knowing I wouldn’t have the opportunity to eat that well again for a long time. Then came a string of speeches about the organization, some quite moving. As I watched an older gentleman walk onstage to deliver his own, I felt Rowan stiffen beside me. When the man mentioned Rowan Abernathy Sr., Rowan gasped. It became evident that this was the man who had taken over his father’s business and obviously his heart, and given Rowan’s reaction, he hadn’t known the man would be here.

Without thinking, I reached for his hand and squeezed. He looked down at our fingers, trying to appear stoic, but I could see the emotion in his eyes.

Afterward, the man passed by the table and stopped to chat with Rowan.

“It’s good to see you.”

Rowan stood, and the men embraced. “You too, Lorenzo.”

When the man glanced at me, I held out my hand. “I’m Shae Shanahan.”

His smile was genuine. “Pleased to meet you.”

The two of them made small talk while I dug into my chocolate dessert and answered a couple of questions from the woman sitting beside me.

“You should stop by the studio,” I heard Lorenzo say. “There are some boxes I’d like you to go through.”

Rowan swallowed. “Maybe I will.”

When he sat back down, I offered him some dessert, but he begged off.

I couldn’t help looking at him every few seconds to make sure he was all right.

“Just ask already, Mr. Eavesdropper.”

“Huh? I’m not curious about anything, not even a little bit.”

He shook his head as his lips quirked.

“Why has it been so long since the two of you…?”

“Lorenzo is a good man and means a lot to me, but it’s complicated.” The air felt heavy around us, so I let it go.

At the end of the evening, we were some of the last to walk out, likely because Rowan was banking on Brett leaving first. When we stepped into the lobby of the hotel, I turned to him. “Hey, thanks for inviting me. I actually had fun.”

“Imagine that.”

I spotted Brett near the waterfall display, and when our eyes met, he threw his arm over his date and pulled him in for a kiss. It was so obviously staged that I was petty enough to put on a show of my own.

I pulled on Rowan’s arm. “Hurry, hug me and pretend you like me.”

He didn’t even hesitate, just curled his arms around my waist and drew me toward him. I buried my head in his shoulder and could feel his soft breaths against my neck. And now I could smell him too. That smoky vanilla scent that always clung to his skin.

“Are you…sniffing me?”

“I can’t help it. You smell like one of those mood candles.”

“Mood what?”

“Never mind. You just smell good, okay? Pretend you’re into it or something.”

“You and your bright ideas.” His fingers skimmed the small of my back, making me shiver. “Now what?”

“Let me show you.” I stared into his eyes, biting the inside of my cheek so I wouldn’t laugh. His expression was so serious and so…something. Why did it suddenly feel hot in here? “Pretend I’m dirty-talking, and you’re dying to get me alone.”

“So I can murder you?”
