Page 41 of Undone

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“The scheming or the kissing?” he asked, surprising the shit out of me.

“Wouldn’t you want to know? Two can play that game.”

“And what game is that?”

“The game where we pretend it didn’t happen and we didn’t like it,” I huffed out, hoping I wasn’t assuming too much. “I mean, you were so into it, I can still feel your fingerprints on my back.”

His entire face flushed red. I was definitely enjoying this.

“I assumed it was just a regular night out for you, Mr. Sex Positive.”

Oh, this man knew how to push my buttons. “Stop making it sound so scandalous—and mindless, while we’re at it. Or slut-shamey. It feels good to get your physical needs met, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” He looked away with a frown, and it exasperated the crap out of me that I couldn’t read him. “Oh, I see. We’re back to you clamming up. You didn’t seem to have that problem tonight with my mom.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Your mom isn’t frustrating like you are.”

My pulse was throbbing. “Why am I frustrating?”

“Because you—you challenge me at every turn.”

“I do not.”

He arched a brow. “See?”

“If I’m such a pain in the ass, why not—”

“Sorry to crash this party of two.” Casey suddenly appeared with a playful nudge to my back. I was so startled that I stumbled into Rowan.

“Are you all right?” Rowan asked as he helped keep me upright, his warm fingers digging into my waist.

“It wouldn’t be a night out if Shae didn’t trip or knock something over at least once.” Casey snickered as I scrunched my face in humiliation.

“Not true,” I pouted, trying to keep some semblance of dignity.

“Guess I should feel lucky you weren’t carrying a drink.” Rowan straightened his jacket. “Anyway, it’s getting late. I should go. Stay and enjoy yourselves. I’ll say goodbye to your parents.”

I tried to calm my racing pulse, feeling relieved that the night was finally over, but also not. I could admit that Rowan had been pleasant to be around, much like at the fundraiser.

“What the hell, Casey?” I asked, eyeing him.

“What?” He shrugged. “I’m not the one who stumbled over my own two feet. But maybe it was good that I broke up what looked like an intense conversation.”

“It was no such thing.”

“Sure it wasn’t.” He yawned. “I’m ready to take off too.”

“Yeah, same.” I glanced in my parents’ direction. They seemed mesmerized by the view of the skyline. “I’ll stay with them a few more minutes, and then we’ll head back to their hotel. Meet you at home.”

“Sounds good. I’ll probably be zonked out, so don’t wake me.”

Something shiny caught my eye in the corner of the concrete barrier near the railing. It was Rowan’s cell phone. I’d recognize it anywhere with that expensive designer case. He must’ve dropped it when I crashed into him. I reached down to retrieve it, then slipped it into my pocket. Likely, he’d realize it was missing and head back up here in a panic. But by the time we got to street level again, he was nowhere to be found.

Casey said his goodbyes to my parents and headed toward the subway while we waited for our ride.

Once situated back in their hotel room, which seemed cozy enough for my parents, I reiterated our sightseeing plans for the next day and then saw my way out.

Instead of heading home, though, I hopped on a train to Rowan’s apartment, knowing he’d have no way of getting ahold of me to inquire about his cell. At least, that was what I told myself. But it was the right thing to do.

When I met his doorman at the entrance to his apartment building, I explained the phone situation. Thomas immediately buzzed Rowan.

“Thank God,” I heard Rowan say. “I’d already contacted the cab company and restaurant from my landline. Send him up.”

I could’ve left the phone with Thomas, and Rowan could’ve requested the same, but instead, my feet led me inside the elevator, and I pushed the button for his floor, my heartbeat drumming all the way up.

He opened the door wearing nothing but a pair of navy sweatpants, and fuck me, not only had I never seen him shirtless but dressed so casually either. So he must’ve been getting ready for bed, and now I couldn’t stop imagining what was beneath that loosely tied drawstring.

I stepped inside, my gaze drawn to his bare chest and the light dusting of hair on his pecs that was quite unexpected. I thought for sure he was completely hairless and kept up with it on the regular. I liked big, hairy guys, but there was something to be said for a lean, long, naturally smooth torso. Very smooth. So lotion was also his friend.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“It’s not every day that your boss answers the door shirtless and in sweats made from a thin material,” I said honestly. “Especially when you’ve never seen him this casual.”
