Page 22 of Mister Teacher

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I was so tired of doing this shit, but I had to do what I had to do. My father’s drug organization gave him wealth, but his greed kept him unsatisfied. Besides, I loved the lifestyle that the money provided me. So even though I hated what I had to do, I loved the rewards that came with it.

Jesse opened the door, and I made sure to greet him by name so they would hear. I’d told them a little bit about all of Thurston’s friends since I didn’t know who he was going to have around. Jesse was probably the most ’bout it out of the crew. If he felt like anything suspicious was going on, he’d be the first to do something about it.

“Wassup, Piper? You good?”

Nodding, I stepped inside. “I am. How about you?”

“I’m good. Say… When are you going to let me take you out sometime?”

I chuckled as Jesse allowed the door to close. “You ask that like I’m not here for your friend.”

Jesse sucked his teeth. “What you with a lame ass nigga like that for anyway?”

“Is it so hard to believe that I actually like him?”

“Yeah,” he replied effortlessly, grabbing my wrist gently before I could head to the bedroom. Jesse turned me in his direction, forcing me to give him my full attention. “I know your rep. If you plan on setting him up, let me in on it. I’ll make sure you get out safe for twenty-five percent.”

I was so stunned it took me quite some time to respond. For a few seconds, I just stared at him, trying to gauge his seriousness. True enough, depending on what part of town you were from and what circles you rolled in, there was a chance you’d heard about me and how it was nothing for me to take from one man before being on to the next. Most times the men I dealt with remained silent and took their L… Only the ones who didn’t have it to lose and were living beyond their means typically spread word about what I did. So far, I’d never been arrested, and I prayed it stayed that way.

When I realized Jesse was serious, I couldn’t help but laugh. I laughed so hard I leaned over and grabbed his arm for support. Once my laugh died down, I wiped my eyes, ignoring the anger in his.

“Jesse, leave me alone. Even if I was up to something, which I’m not, I work alone.”

“Yeah, aight,” was all he said before walking away.

For a moment, I considered taking him up on his offer, but I didn’t know if Jesse had put him up to that or not. Realistically, having an inside man would have made this easier for me. I still didn’t know how I was going to get in and out with all of Thurston’s things. The thought of putting him to sleep was one I considered, but that would have taken too much time. At this point, my quickest and easiest option was to wait until Thurston was out of the room and snatch everything then leave and hope I could make it downstairs before he noticed and sent his friends after me.

I knocked on the door softly and waited for Thurston to tell me to come in. When he did, I forced a smile at the sight of him. He was at the king-sized bed, pulling a few things out of his luggage. Thurston was shirtless and had dark blue, baggy jeans sagging just enough to see his black boxers. He was attractive… a pretty boy. Not really my type, but he was nice to look at with his light skin, closely cropped fade, and hazel eyes.

“Hey, sexy,” he greeted.

“Hey. Are you ready for your trip?”

“Fa sho. Six weeks going from one Caribbean Island to the next? I can’t wait.”

“I bet,” I grumbled, making my way over to him to give him a hug and a kiss.

“You sure you don’t want to join me?” he checked, keeping his arms around my waist.

“I’d love to, but I have to do some work for my dad.”

“Well, if you want me to fly you out at some point so you can meet me, just let me know. I’d love to have your beautiful ass next to me on the beach.”

My smile was genuine as Thurston released me. When I would become plagued by guilt, I would tell myself these men didn’t mean more to me than my father, and that would lessen the shame. I was hoping that would be the case with Thurston. Truthfully, his biggest mistake was using his money to buy love and friendship… women. We had one thing in common, trying to earn something from people that should have been freely given.

“You have a long flight ahead of you in the morning. Why don’t I help you relax?” I offered, deciding getting him in the bathroom would be the best distraction.

“What did you have in mind?”

“I’ll draw you a bath, order us some food, then put you to bed with this pussy. How does that sound?”

Thurston smirked before squeezing my ass. “That sounds perfect.”


After giving him another quick kiss, I headed to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. Inside the bathroom, I shot my father a quick text letting him know I was about to start. He told me to keep the call going just to be safe, and I agreed. I cut the water on, and once it was warm enough, I called Thurston to come inside. It didn’t take me long to undress him, then he got inside. He asked me to join him, and I told him I would after I ordered room service.

The moment I made it back into the bedroom, I decided to start with what was most important—the transfer. I already knew his phone password, so it didn’t take me long to unlock it, sign into his Wells Fargo account, and initiate the transfer. I had to be careful, though, because if he checked his account before the money was pulled, I would be fucking screwed. After transferring the maximum that I could send, twenty-five thousand dollars, I deleted the text and email confirmation that came through before moving on to his wallet for his credit cards and cash. I decided to let his jewelry stay because if he came out and noticed it was gone, he would know something was up.
