Page 10 of The Dating Mishapp

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He shrugs his broad shoulders and pulls the brim of his ball cap lower. “That was like taking candy from a baby.”

I chuckle, trying to mask the nervous energy running through my body at the timbre of his sexy voice.

“Your shot?” he asks.

Keeping my eyes on his, I reach for my beer, take a sip, and nod.

He whistles and gives Harry a look that suggests he’s going to lose.

“Yeah, I know! You try playing against her!”

I state my intention. “Eight, off the far rail, right pocket.”

“No, fucking way!” Harry yells. “You’re out of your mind if you think you’re getting through that. You’re notthatgood.” He points to the balls surrounding the black one.

The man steps forward, taps the rail with his left hand, and explains his strategy. “If you go off here, you might have a better chance.”

My eyes watch as he points, showing me other options, but all I notice is the size of his hands and the absence of a wedding band.

“Thanks, but I’m good.”

“Just trying to help. It’s what I do best.”

I push away the thought of what other things he might excel in as I wait for him to move. Stepping to the right, he remains in my personal space.

“You’re practically on top of me.”

“Maybe if you’re lucky.”

I roll my eyes. “Could you go down there?”

His eyes scan my body, grinning wickedly as he moistens his lips and walks to the other end of the table.

“Eight, off the far rail, right pocket,” I restate and lean into my shot.

Once he arrives at the other end of the table, he drops to a squat and aligns himself perfectly in my view. He aligns his narrowed eyes with the position of my cue. “More to the left.”

I inhale and concentrate, heeding his words.

“Right there! Hit itright there.”

My core tightens as I imagine myself beneath him, screaming those words as he thrusts into me. My heart is pounding, but my hand is steady. With one quick motion, I strike the eight ball and watch it ricochet, roll between two balls, and then drop into the pocket.

I jump back and raise the stick over my head. My shoulders shake and my hips sway from side to side. “I won. I won,” I sing mockingly then immediately freeze and spin around when I hear the man at the other end laugh. Even his laugh is sexy.

“Let’s go. Me and you,” he says when our eyes connect.

Just then Henry appears carrying three bottles of beer.

“I’m all set. You boys have fun and play with yourselves.”

I didn’t realize what I’d said until Harry curses at me.

“I want to play with you,” the stranger says with intensity in his gaze.

Shaking my head, I lift my beer, take a swig, and hand the cue to Harry. “I’ve had enough games for one night.”

Walking to return the cue to the stand, the man looks at me before walking away. “Another night then.”
