Page 16 of The Dating Mishapp

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Looking at me over the rim, she smirks. “A guy.”

“What’s his name?”

I feel an interrogation starting.

She sighs. “Why’re you asking?”

“Is it the guy you met online?”

“Which one?” She sticks out her tongue playfully and waggles her eyebrows. “I’ve met a few.”

“Ky, I think you should get off that site. I don’t want you to get involved with some jerk.”

“Mom, there are jerks everywhere!”


“Exactly. I worry that you’re too…trusting. And he wears cheap cologne.”

She rolls her eyes at my last comment. Changing the subject, she asks if we’re going to brunch.

“How are the roads? We’ll have to pick Gramma up. You know she doesn’t like to drive in snow.” I glance out the back window and notice Kylie’s car is missing. “Where’s your car?”

“Um, I got a ride home,” she says coyly.

“At least tell me it was a safe vehicle.”

She smiles. “He drives a truck.”

Kylie gets a text. “Gramma wants us to pick her up at 12.”

I look at my phone, wondering why my mother didn’t text me instead. I swear these two are thicker than thieves.

After showering, I open the app.

DanDad007: Shelter’s open today. Come walk some dogs with me.

Debating what to say, I grit my teeth, abruptly closing the app and chastising myself. This stops right now. I need to stop engaging in conversation with this man. I need to mind my business and stay out of my daughter’s love life.


Between my mother and my daughter, I can hardly get a word in the conversation on the way to the restaurant. All they want to talk about is my birthday and what they hope the year will bring.

“I don’t need a man, Mom,” I say as I maneuver into the parking lot and find a space, slamming the gear shift into Park harder than necessary.

“Are you getting your period?” she asks. “Hopefully you’ll go into early menopause like I did.”

Unable to discuss what’s bothering me, I concoct a lie about not sleeping well and waking with an ache which is true.

“Did you take Excedrin? That always helps when my head throbs.”

I stifle a giggle because migraine medication would do nothing to quell the throb between my legs.

Ky and Mom order mimosas while I ask for a glass of their farmhouse ale.

My mom tsks. “Savannah.”

“What? I like beer. Sue me!” I shake my head and sigh.

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