Page 20 of The Dating Mishapp

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Stella214: Haha! Was it good?

DanDad007: I’d like to find out. (devil emoji)

I’d shivered at his words because although I shouldn’t be aroused by his flirting, I was.

Stella214: In your dreams!

DanDad007: Did you know dreams are your mind’s way of living out your fantasies? Sometimes I have vivid dreams. How about you? What do you dream about, Stella?

Stella214: I don’t dream. I take Melatonin and you’re so full of crap! I’m considering blocking you!

DanDad007: Nooooooo! I like talking to you, so I’ll behave but being good is fucking boring. And yes, a good walk, but I froze my ass off. What did you do today? Have you decided on which night for Marcelo’s? I don’t usually have to ask a woman out this many times.

Stella214: Ugh, Sunday brunch. Trust me, I would much rather have gone hiking in a blizzard. Then stop asking me and go out with the other woman you’re talking to.

DanDad007: I’m not interested in any of them. Bad food or bad company?

I bite my lip nervously as I respond.

Stella214: Good food. Annoying company. Who are you interested in?

DanDad007: In that case, you should’ve come with me… (two devil emojis). You.

Stella214: Stop it! You’re killing me with your innuendos.

When Kylie walked into the living room, I quickly closed the app.

“What are you smiling about?”

“I’m not. I just read something funny online.”

She’d narrowed her eyes at me. “So that new guy, Jack, is cute, huh?”

“I didn’t notice,” I lie.

When Kylie grabs her winter coat, I ask where she’s going and remind her that the roads are bad.

“I’m getting picked up.”

“By whom?”

“A friend.”

“If it’s the guy you’ve been talking to, I want to meet him.”

“Maybe at the fundraiser.”

“You’re bringing a date?”

“I said maybe.”

I grimace. “I don’t want to spend my birthday with you and your date.”

“It’s also Valentine’s Day. Maybe Cupid will bring you love.”

“No, thanks!”

After she left, I watched another episode of White Collar, napped, and then dragged myself outside to shovel the driveway. Frozen to the bone, I took a long, hot shower to warm up from the frigid temps and considered ordering Chinese, but I didn’t want anyone to have to go out in this weather on my account. My thoughts drifted to Jack, and I wondered if they had to respond to any calls. Firefighting is a dangerous job. I remember how much my mother always worried about my father when he left for work.
