Page 30 of The Dating Mishapp

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Me: You might’ve entered my mind a time or two. ;)

JP: I’d like to enter more than your mind.

When Diogi barks in the wee hours of the morning to go outside, I glance at the microwave clock and realize I’m another year older. I’m officially thirty-eight. I lean on the counter and open the app. I don’t know why I do. Call it morbid curiosity. But sure enough, there’s a message from Tre.

DanDad007: Stella, I feel bad about this. You and I hit it off and I was looking forward to meeting. But I’ve met someone, and I want to see where it goes. I’m sorry.

I close the app, choosing not to reply. What can I say? Maybe he really likes Kylie after all. Oh, my God! If they get married, he’ll be my son-in-law.

When Diogi scratches at the door, I yank it open and usher him in quickly. I immediately conclude that I need one of two things: warmer weather or Jack Perkins in my bed.

* * *

At seven o’clock, Kylie bounds into my room and jumps onto my bed, the colorful balloons in her hand floating up to the ceiling. Diogi barks when she bellows her very own rendition of Happy Birthday.

“I love that I’ve always been the first to wish you a happy birthday.”

I don’t have the heart to tell her that she’s been dethroned by Jack Perkins.

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” I say, reaching over to retrieve the box of her favorite candy.

“Thanks!” she says, proceeding to unwrap two pieces of Ferrero Rocher at once.

“Ky, without prodding too much into your personal life, can I ask you a question?”

She nods because her mouth is full.

“This guy who’s coming tonight. Are you absolutely sure about him?”

“Yes,” she mumbles. “You’re going to love him!”

After announcing that she’s going to make breakfast, Kylie kisses my cheek and leaves my bedroom.

I sigh heavily, close my eyes and make a birthday wish.

* * *

“Holy shit, Mom! You look incredible!”

Surprised by a sudden flash, I raise a hand to shield myself from the constantSnap! Snap! Snap!and step into the kitchen.

“Ky, c’mon! Stop with the pics!”

“Nope! My mom is smokin’ hot, and the world needs to see you!”

I huff and walk to the fridge, grab a bottle of Stella and the bottle of white for her.

“Do you want a glass?” I ask as she raises her phone and leans in.

“Selfie time! Smile!”

I produce an angry scowl.

“Ma, cut it out! Smile!”

Sighing, I concede with a soft smile as she takes several more pictures.

“We look hot!”
