Page 35 of The Dating Mishapp

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He pushes back from the table, rises, and extends his hand.

“You’re serious?”

He curls his rough fingers. “Let’s go, lady.”

I stand, tip back the rest of my beer and place my hand in his.

When we reach the dance floor, he spins me dramatically and then pulls me flush against his body. Everything is hard. Hard chest. Hard abs. Hard dick. My eyes flutter when I’m deliciously assaulted by his cologne once again. Several minutes later, I glance over his shoulder. “Everyone’s looking.”

“Let them look. You are, after all, the most beautiful woman here.”

“Thank you, but I’m getting older. I might have a little competition from a certain twenty-two-year-old.”

As if I’d summoned her, Kylie appears next to us, dancing closely with her date. She looks uncomfortable as she wiggles out of his hold. “I said stop!”

“You promised me a good time tonight,” her date hisses through gritted teeth.

My legs freeze and I release Jack, shoving my way in between this jerk and my daughter. “Whoa! Who do you think you’re talking to?”

“This little bitch has been blowing up my DMs with promises for weeks, telling me how sexy as fuck she is and hoping I can give her something good for her birthday.” He looks back at Kylie. “It’s time to put your money where your mouth is.”

“Kylie, what the hell is he talking about?” I ask quietly, trying to avoid a scene.

Tears rush out of her eyes. “I just really wanted you to like him.”

I shake my head as confusion fills it. “Wait, this is the guy you’ve been talking to? The one you were excited for me to meet?” I snap my head. “Oh, my God. You’reTre? You son a bitch!”

“What’d you call him?” Jack interrupts.

“Who the fuck is Tre? I’m Tobias.”

I gasp, confused. “Tobias?”

“Listen, bitch. I don’t give a shit who he is or what’s going on, but you can fuck off and mind your business. I didn’t pay a hundred bucks and rent a tux for nothing,” the creep spits as he reaches between Kylie’s legs, but she moves and hides behind me.

“Don’t fucking touch me!”

A second later, Jack’s fist connects with Tobias’ face, sending him stumbling back onto the floor. Jack does not stop. Grabbing the man’s shirt with one hand, he unleashes several hard blows with his other.

I want to tell him to stop, but I can't find my voice.

It’s my father who eventually pulls Jack off. “Take it easy, son. You’re the Chief, now.”

“Oh, my God! Are you all right?” I reach for Jack’s arm, feeling the bulk of his bicep.

A crowd gathers as someone calls for security.

“I’m fine. Get Kylie out of here.”

Tobias scrambles to his feet and wipes the blood spewing from both his crooked nose and busted lip. With a heaving chest and eyes laser-focused on the man who just beat him to a pulp, he looks like a raging bull. A bloody smile appears and then he’s charging forward, but Jack meets him head-on, ramming his shoulder into the assailant’s stomach and driving him down onto the floor. Another barrage of hard fists connects with Tobias’ already battered face. The sound echoes through the silence as onlookers watch. A heavy grunt suggests he's given up the fight.

Jack’s white shirt is now splattered with blood, his hand is swollen, and his breathing is ragged. He doesn’t take his eyes off Tobias, but I know he’s talking to me. “You want to press charges against this motherfucker?”

I look at my daughter who is shaking like a leaf; it’s her decision to make.

Shaking her head feverishly, she sobs into her hands. “I just wanna go home, Mom. Please.”

I pull her into my arms, squeeze tightly, and kiss her forehead. “Okay.”
