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"He speaks," he said, and some of the customers around us chuckled.

Yet, no one seems really amused by the man. Interesting …

"You walk in here, thinking you're better than us. Well, I've got news for you—you ain't!" He spoke with so much force that I felt spittle from his mouth land on my cheek.

I looked at him with disgust but held my tongue. I knew that wasn't the moment to pick a fight with this drunk. He was surrounded by people who knew him well, and there was no winning a battle like that. I’d learned that lesson the hard way.

"I never said I was." I got up, stuck a twenty-dollar bill under my glass, and made my way out of the bar. He blocked my way.

An arrogant cuss. Like all bullies. Thinks a little bluff and bluster will frighten me. Well, buddy, those days are long gone!

He was shorter than me, so I looked down at him from my full height and breadth. I found it funny that he still thought himself intimidating with his short, flabby stature, but I dared not laugh.

After he did his one-man staring contest, he uttered an angry growl with a fierce look on his face, put his head down, and charged me.

I have seen that move before, too.

And before anyone could take their next breath, Ken was lying on his back on the ground two feet in front of me. Stunned.

Chapter 6


Trevdrainedmeofall the energy I had that night. In a good way.

A very, very good way!

I felt pleasant things I had not felt in a long while. I couldn't remember the last time I had had a man.

I remember putting my head on his muscular chest and thinking, “Sleeping with a guest is a no-no. Guests are off-limits,” and then falling fast asleep.

So much for following the rules of the trade, Miss Innkeeper!

In the middle of the night, I touched his side of the bed and it was cold.

The following morning I expected to see him, but I didn't. It dawned on me the second day that he was avoiding me. I had thought it a coincidence at first that we were never in the same room at any point in time, but the odds of that happening for three days straight were just unlikely.

I began to hate myself for going against a policy I had set myself. I then understood why I had never once wanted to get involved with a guest. Because of situations like this. Being under the same roof as someone who obviously didn't want to be around you. As much as I hated myself, I hated Trev even more. He didn't have the guts to face me. Not a manly move. If he had wanted a one-night stand, he should have at least been ready to face the consequences.

If only I had left him in the sitting room and gone to my room … if only I had not reciprocated his kiss …

You would have stuck to your own off-limits rule, that's what!

I hated myself for letting him take advantage of me with ease.

Did he really take advantage of me?

Not for a second!

I remembered checking him out while we were at the festival, and that he was there because I invited him.

No matter how I looked at it, I was to blame for everything that happened. No man would notice a lady making passes at him and not jump at the offer.

He must think I'm cheap. He must think I’m an easy lay with all the male guests at the Lodge.

I beat myself, but I hated him for creating this. I hated myself, but when I remembered how good he made me feel, I couldn't help but want the feeling all over again.

Am I okay? Is something wrong with me?
