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"Would youpleasetell me where we are headed now?" I pleaded with him.

"Just be patient, we'll be there in no time," he assured me with a smile.

The notice to buckle up came on, and we both strapped ourselves in as the plane took off. Trev kept the conversation going for almost the whole time, which turned out to be about two hours. He told me about learning martial arts as a teen and twenties young man.

Hmmm … Could it be that Trev used some martial arts voodoo-hoodoo on Ken at the bar? And later at the Lodge? I must be sure to ask him later.

I began to understand a little bit about Ken's trepidation at being around Trev that time in the lobby of the Lodge.

I still had no idea where in the world I was.

There was a car waiting for us at the airport we landed at. I noticed the driver had an impeccable English accent, but it still didn't help to determine where we were. The journey to the hotel was what gave it away. An island!

I jumped and stared at Trev, who grinned and said, “Welcome to Grand Cayman Island in the Caribbean Sea!” I looked in awe at all the beautiful sights before me, breathed in the very different-smelling air.

I always wanted a vacation, but I had never thought it could ever be in such a place.

I could barely pay for my life at the Lodge. I’d never be able to pay for this kind of vacation.

Thinking about the Lodge, I couldn't help but voice my fears. "Trev, are we going back today?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"You're in the Caribbean, and you're thinking of leaving today?" He was perplexed.

"It is beautiful and all, but you know I have the Lodge to think of."

"You don't have to worry about that. Sherry and I organized everything. Sherry and Bryan will hold down the fort while you're away."

"Sherry?" I was shocked.

"Yeah, I informed her that you were going away for the weekend, and she was more than happy to help out. Said something about wanting to pay you back. I didn't really understand that part."

I looked at him in awe. I had no idea he had thought as far as the Lodge.

All this wouldn't be possible without Sherry and Bryan.

I then made a mental note to do something extra for them when we returned.

It dawned on me that I was going to spend the entire weekend on this island. My mind raced as it thought of all the possibilities the weekend held in store for me. I looked at the best part of the weekend standing right in front of me. Trev.

I could have all night and all day with him for three whole days! I didn’t have to jump out of bed in the morning to attend to anyone. It all seemed surreal.

At the reception desk, Trev just took a key. It was obvious he had made reservations before our arrival.

The suite was four times the size of my rooms back at the Lodge.

Seriously? The suite is the size of a normal house!

The chandelier alone is enough to pay off my mortgage and leave me with change to spare.

It became clear to me why Trev had complained about the room on his first day at the Lodge. If this was the kind of room he was used to, there was no way he would find my rooms comfortable.

I began to wonder why he had chosen my tiny town as a place to be inspired. And how had he found it? We were certainly off the beaten path and nowhere to be found on the internet.

I still admired the room while Trev tipped the porter, and from the smile on the man's face, I could tell it was a huge tip.

"How come we have luggage?" I asked, curious. I had seen him leave the house, and he had nothing on him. So the only explanation was that he had gotten it from the jet.

"It's just a few items we'll be needing," he said with a smile.
