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Just in case you needed proof …

But Trev had made me throw my “guests-off-limits” policy out the window.

With him, it felt good to break your rule. He felt right.

Wefelt right.

Sherry and Bryan moved out of the Lodge a couple of days ago. Her insurance company had worked with a general contractor very quickly to get their cottage back in living condition. I was happy for her, but missed Bryan’s afternoon company.

And the money the insurance company paid you for their stay. Be honest!

The Friday after Trev left, I was surprised to see Mr. Johnson back at the Lodge. He had once again brought another gorgeous lady with him. I was very much tempted to ask what had caused his disappearance for a while, but I knew better than to do that in front of his guest. And I also doubted that he would give me a response. He was my faithful customer, but we had zero communication. Normally I wasn't bothered about it, but I had gotten so lonely that I would have a conversation with anyone.

He did not flinch when I told him of the new room prices due to the new internet access. Without a word, he just paid in cash as always and disappeared with his companion as soon as I gave him the key to his room.

My routine had not changed after Trev left. Except that I kept his room just the way he had left it. After all, he paid six weeks in advance, so the room was technically still his.

Six weeks. There’s time for him to come back …

After my daily morning chores, I would go there and sit for hours. I thought back to how quickly he agreed to install the internet in my lodge. How generously he had done so.

I thought back to how good he was with young Bryan, winning a prize for him at the fair. Letting him watch cartoons on his laptop. Helping him with math and science lessons. Taking him on a couple of afternoon trail hikes with him.

Maybe he is good with children in general.

I got a gooey, soft feeling in my heart when I thought about that.

I also remembered Ken's mysterious and out-of-character reaction to Trev that day in the reception area.

I never did ask him about that …

I would hold Trev’s shirt close to my chest and let his fading fragrance on it fill my nose up. I was still of the opinion that I had pushed him away by being cold to him.

On one such afternoon, when I was in his room daydreaming of him returning back to me, I heard the bell at reception ring. I was so far gone in my daydream that, for a moment, I believed he had truly come back.

I ran with so much excitement and enthusiasm, thinking I'd see Trev at the counter, but I got there to find Ken. My excitement died, and it was instantly replaced with subtle anger. I was the only one present at the Lodge, and I knew what Ken was capable of.

"Hi," he said, smiling at me.

"Hello," I replied softly, trying to look both professional and distant. I didn't want to rile him up in any way. I certainly didn’t want to stir up his reactivity. I kept my distance from him in case I had to run.

He seemed calm and collected, unlike his drunken state.

It was the first time he was at the Lodge sober.

In fact, it’s the first time I’ve seen him sober in … well, years.

I wondered what his reasons were.

"I know you're probably wondering why I am here right now." He forced a laugh. "Lindsey, we've had our differences in the past, and I know I've been an asshole to you. To lots of people. But believe me when I say that I am different now," he said, staring straight into my eyes.

I looked at him with indifference and disbelief. He had come to me sober and was asking me to take him back. It was perplexing to me, as he only begged to come back when he was drunk.

He took a step forward, and I took one back, holding up my hand to stop him. "I remember a time when we were always close, a time when you wanted to be by my side." He inhaled deeply. "I miss those times, Lindsey. I miss you."

He sounds sincere. Every time in the past when he’d been sober for a minute, he sounded sincere, too.

Watch yourself, girl! Stand tall!
