Page 136 of A Naked Beauty

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I rise to challenge his glare. “If I were you, Mr. Jackson, I’d worry more about your clients’ tactics.”

Franklin shoulders past Jackson and me to get to his wife. “Ssh, darling.”

“She-she saw Joyce.”

“Ssh, now.” He sits beside her and strokes her hair.

“She-she’s in jail, Charles. Our little girl. What have we done, what have we done?” Mrs. Franklin cries, rocking in her husband’s arms.

“How dare you do this?” he spits out, all but frothing at the mouth. “You have no idea what we’ve suffered over losing Dwayde.”

“What you’ve suffered?” Is he really that blind to their wrongdoings or does he just not give a damn? “You should see the shape your daughter’s in. She’s hard and brittle, street-worn, and utterly destroyed.”

“I’m ordering you to leave this instant, Ms. Chase.” Jackson stretches his arm toward the door.

“And let your clients off the hook? I don’t think so.” I pivot back to them huddled on the couch. “Dwayde still bears the brunt of your heinous actions. Until days ago, he hid the fact that he knew anything about his biological father. He did so out of shame. He thought Joyce’s abuse was his fault because of what Alden did to her. He’s been living in fear that he’ll become just like him. That’s been your grandson’s burden.”

“Because of Joyce’s lies.” Franklin continues his indignant denial.

“No, because of yours,” I persist. “You owe Dwayde the truth. If you care anything about your grandson, as you claim to, you will tell him that the reason Joyce didn’t love or want him is because of your mistakes, not because of him. He’s a remarkable kid, in spite of you. He doesn’t deserve to be saddled with your sins.”

“If you have the audacity to repeat any of these false claims, I will sue you for defamation.” Franklin punctuates his threat with a wagging finger.


The room falls silent on Joan Franklin’s pitched sob.

“No more,” she pleads. “No more.”

“Joan, as your lawyer, I’m strongly advising you not to say anything.”

“I’m so tired.” Her posture sags. “So tired of pretending.”

“Joan, for Christ sake’s,” Franklin beseeches. “I will take care of this.”

“That’s what you said before.” She stares back at him as if seeing someone she doesn’t recognize. “You promised it would all work out. That we’d be a family. But Joyce was never the same. I was never the same. Our grandson hates us. He couldn’t even stand to be in the same room.”

“Darling…” Franklin tries to soothe. “You don’t know what you’re saying. Ms. Chase has confused you.”

“I’m not confused. We ruined her, Charles. We ruined our daughter.”

“Stop talking, Joan.” Jackson threads his words.

“She’s already said all I need to hear.” My eyes encompass them. “I have more than enough.”

“Joyce is a lying junkie and my wife is unwell.”

“Let this go, Mr. Franklin.” I give him one last opportunity. “Do what’s best for Dwayde or it will all come out in court.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” He postures. “You wouldn’t have Dwayde testify to any of this disgraceful nonsense.”

“Why shouldn’t he testify to the truth?” I challenge. “Dwayde has nothing to be ashamed of. But you do.”

“Put an end to this, Thomas!” Franklin barks. “Now!”

Jackson spares a withering glance at his client, then turns to me. “A word outside, Ms. Chase?”

“Sure.” I hitch my bag onto my shoulder and follow him out into the hall.

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