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She eyes me suspiciously, sipping her own drink. “Ok, well, call him right now! What are you waiting for?”

WhatamI waiting for? I can easily call his work number under the guise of a business call.No, that’s dishonest.Instead, I tell her, “Maybe tomorrow, I need to catch up on emails.” I havenointention of calling him. What would I even say?‘Hi, it’s Emma, we spoke for like 2.5 seconds and I think you’re incredibly attractive. Want to hang out sometime?’Looking at my computer—to avoid her gaze and persistent matchmaking—I check my schedule for the day. “Wait, I have a luncheonandanother mixer today?”

Katie doesn’t even blink. “Yep, and Susan wants you to go to both.”

I sigh and bring my coffee to my lips for the first time, forgetting that Katie makes her coffee black. I wince at the bitterness and set it down. “Fine, I’ll go tonight, but only because I saw they have a full bar at this one.” Katie laughs and heads out, while I dive into work for a few hours.

Tonight,themixerisa much younger crowd. Susan sent Katie and I alone this time. Why this woman trusts me is beyond me—I really have no business being here. We head inside and grab a few glasses of white wine. Unfortunately, the full bar is all well liquor, and I don’t need a hangover from a bottom shelf gin and tonic.

“He’s here.”

“Who’s here?” I ask as I scan the room. Just as I am about to turn back to her, I spot Dylan. He’s talking and laughing with a few older gentlemen and a woman. Thankfully, I don't think he can see me—I can hide in the sea of 20-30 people between us. “I mean, it makes sense. He is here to network, just like us.”

“Oh, come on! This is such a cliché meet cute!” Katie is way too invested in this.

“You’ve read too many romance novels! This is not a meet cute, this is not destiny, this is not happenstance, or whatever term you want to label it.” I roll my eyes at her and sip my wine, which is surprisingly better than last night. “Who are our prospects tonight, who does Susan want us to meet?”

“You can start with Mr. McHottie over there,” she jokes, gesturing to Dylan. Just as I am about to open my mouth to protest, I notice he’s looking our way. “Looks like we’ve been spotted, Em! Ok, so I’m going to find Matt and see if I can upsell him for the next issue. Good luck!” Katie walks away smirking, leaving me alone.Great. Just as I am about to go after her, I notice he's alone too.Well, there is no time like the present.I blow out a deep breath, square my shoulders, and walk over to him.

As I approach, he has the biggest smile I’ve ever seen—like a kid on Christmas morning. His boyish grin takes my breath away.What is wrong with me?! Get it together! You're here for work.I've never been so nervous to talk to someone before, but I muster up every ounce of courage, and draw from everything I learned in my public speaking and communications classes in college.Deep breath, Emma.“Well hello, fancy meeting you here,” I say with a flirty smile. If I have to talk to him, I may as well have some fun.

“Small world.” He brings his beer to his lips, the smile never leaving them. His eye contact is powerful but playful. “You mentioned last night that you work for a magazine. What do you do there?”

“I just started this month as an account executive—which is basically a fancy name for ad sales.” I am so nervous around him. He’s insanely attractive and carries himself with so much confidence that I struggle to find my voice.

He laughs, gesturing with his beer around the room. “Ah, yes, we have quite a few of those here. Which magazine? Do you have a card? I realize I didn’t ask for it yesterday.”

Is he trying to get my number? No, that can’t be it.I dig in my bag and pull one out. “Here, that’s me.”

Taking my card, he asks, “Is this the best number to reach you at?”

I stare for a moment. “Um, yes, that’s my work cell.” I don’t have a work cell, but he doesn’t need to know that.

He smiles and pockets my card. “Thanks, I’ll have to give you a call when we are ready to put in an ad.”Ugh, so it is a business thing. Damn it.

To avoid his searing gaze, I use the only tool in my arsenal. “Sure thing! Well, it was great seeing you again, Dylan. Please excuse me”—I hold up my phone that is most definitely not ringing—"I have to take this." I turn on my heel and walk away before I embarrass myself further.

I look for Katie with my phone to my ear, willing myself not to sneak a glance at him as I retreat, knowing I'll find his dark blue eyes on me. She’s by the bar, laughing at something the guy she’s with is saying.What was his name? Mark? Michael? I was distracted by a tall drink of water when she mentioned him. “Oh, Emma! You must meet my absolute favorite client, Matt.”Hah! I knew it was a M name.

Putting my phone in my bag, I greet him, extending my free hand to shake his, “Hi, Matt, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Matt is in his mid-to-late twenties, tall and blond, but only a few inches taller than me in heels, putting him maybe six foot—which is a little shorter than Dylan. He’s definitely good looking, but not really my type.Or maybe I'm just crushing on Dylan.He offers to grab me a glass of wine to replace the one I downed in one gulp on my way to find Katie. I needed it to take off the edge after being in the same space with Dylan for a few minutes. “Oh, I'm ok, thank you though. I just wanted to check in with Katie before I head out.”

“Oh, um, maybe give me 30 and we can head out together?”

“Sure, I can wait for you,” I reply as professionally as I can, but my nerves are shot. Just as I am about to walk away, Dylan approaches, slapping Matt on the back to greet him, “Hey, buddy, how’ve you been?”

Matt chuckles. “Great, it’s been a while! The office hasn’t been the same since you transferred. Have you met Katie and…Emma, was it?”

As I am about to confirm, Dylan replies for me with his fully dimpled grin, “Yes, we’ve met a few times. Old friends now, aren’t we, E.”Shoot, now he wants to be just friends. This is worse than just business. I’ve been friend-zoned! Also, E? Since when do I have a nickname?He lowers his voice and leans in beside my ear so that only I can hear him, "When I call you, I hope you don't rush off the phone as quickly as you did with that call you took." I suck in a quick breath, unsure how to respond after being caught.

Katie jumps in, full of half-truths, “Emma was just telling me that she just took on five new clients. I don’t know how she makes the time to join me at these events!”

I mutter under my breath, “Really, Katie?”

Beaming, she continues, “Well, gentlemen, we have an early morning meeting that I forgot about, but I am so glad we had a chance to catch up!”

Dylan’s smile fades.Is he sad I’m leaving?We shake hands and it feels like a mild electrical current travels up my arm. My hand fits perfectly in his—I appreciate that he doesn’t offer a limp handshake like some men do, simply because I’m a woman. He pulls me a little closer, his thumb gently and ever so subtly swiping over mine.Did I just imagine that?“I’m sure I’ll see you soon, Emma.” His voice is silky, but I have to remind myself that this is just work. He’s probably like this with everyone.

Katie and I head out. Once we are out of earshot of everyone, she looks me dead in the eyes. “That man wants you. Time to play hard to get!”

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