Page 30 of Jagged Honor

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Rutting her until she begged for mercy.

She was too focused on Drogann and caring for her mate, and Drogann wouldn’t have it any other way.

But alas, he could smell his seed leaking from her cunt from this morn, and her fur coat had parted, revealing the soft skin begging for his mouth.

So, though it pained him to disrupt her sweet care of him, he tossed his seductive queen onto the lavish pile of padded furs that would serve as their bed and ripped every last shred of leather hiding away her luscious curves from his gaze.

“I intend to fill you full to bursting with my seed, my queen. Spread your sweet thighs and give me my cunt.”



I didn’t knowwhat he said, but thewayhe said it was filthy as fuck.

I stared at him, a little stunned that he was very clearly turned on despite the blood staining his chest and the aftermath of what had to have been a very harrowing experience.

Ihadn’t even begun to recover from that traumatizing experience, yet he was staring at my vagina like it was covered in honey.

“I can’t believe you want to have sex right now,” I murmured, notupset, but certainly confused—okay, and also a little turned on. But when Drogann was turned on, I was turned on. That was a fact.

He said something low and very obviously meant to coax me into submission, but I could still see that beast knocking him almost a hundred yards into the ground and thencarvingout a chunk of his chest.

Perhaps alittledramatic, he was obviously still alive. But in that moment, I had thought he was dead, and it had hurtso fucking bad.

Nothing ever affected me this way. Not an ex-boyfriend, not a break-up. Nothing had ever hurt this badly. I didn’t want to say the L-word or anything, but like yeah, I was into Drogann in a big way.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I had finally found my person. My knight in shining armor. My Mr. Darcy… The other half my to my soul.

Drogann put every single one of my book boyfriends to shame. I didn’t care that he was an alien.

I didn’t care that he had fur and a tail and sharp teeth and pointy ears, all that was super-hot. I didn’t even care that we couldn’t exchange the simplest of words with each other.

He was mine, and I was his, and hehad almost died.

“When we finally get this language thing figured out, you have so much explaining to do, pal,” I told him gravely.

He nodded as if he understood, frowning as he concentrated on my face. But his hands were creeping up my thighs, adding light pressure to try and coax them open on the bed, and so I knew he was only placating me.

I clamped them shut and glanced around, sighing as if perturbed, “Why were we sleeping in a dirty cell when we could have been sleeping here?”

The room was gorgeous, and though it was still very clearly a cave, it was a stunning cave if such a thing existed.

There were ornate rugs thrown around the cleanly swept floors. Gold tapestries hanging from the walls. And the bed was massive.

It wasn’t a bed in the traditional sense but rather a very heavily padded platform ruling the center of the room.

I ran my fingers through the silky soft furs covering the bed and sighed in delight. “One day, you’re going to tell me why you were chained up the day we met, and the answer is going to blow my mind, isn’t it?”

Drogann purred, yanking me flat on my back as an impatient gleam entered his eyes.

I yelped when he spread my thighs open, baring my pussy to the air. “Okay, fine! But I want to be on top this time.”

Drogann’s grin was feral as he dropped to his knees at the end of the bed and covered my clit with his tongue.

“N-next time,” I sighed, spreading my fingers into his hair. I was going to ride his cock like his tongue rode me—until he was screaming my name.
