Page 10 of Wicked When Wet

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I pinched my nose, biting my lips to keep from smiling. Albert audibly sighed but oh so seriously replied. “I do know Tai Kwon Do…do.” I could see why Esther was so attached.

“Fists of fury!” Esther cried with glee.

The angry alien glared at us, visibly confused and enraged, but thankfully, Lyv came lumbering down the hall and this guy transferred his ire to him.

Lyv slowed to a stop, observing our little standoff. He spoke in alien, then to us in English. “What is the problem here? Rothe?”

I would remember that name. Rothe the asshole.

They stared at one another, Lyv becoming increasingly more aware of the tension. “Layla?” he asked in that funny way where he stretched out the a’s so it sounded more like Lala.

“I want to go for a walk,” I said, using Lyv’s bulky body to get by the frozen asshole.

Rothe growled something beneath his breath and though I couldn’t understand it, Lyv sure did, and he lookedpissed. “I will escort you,” he said very pointedly to the alien as he stormed off.

I just shrugged, glad he got rid of the asshole. “So, what do you guys have in all those crates?”

“What is she doing down here?” A deep voice demanded from somewhere in the echoey space. I froze, clutching a thin garment in my hand. It was made of a thin latex type of material but very soft to the touch. It seemed to be a body suit and though the legs went on formiles, I figured I could roll them at the ankles and the rest would be a decent fit. Better than the oversized, leathery tunic Lyv had given me. I was already chafing under my armpits and between my thighs. I’d give a kidney to get out of the sweltering fabric.

Lyv stood, clutching the pile of garments I’d been tossing over to him for the better part of an hour. He stared at the approaching captain for a long moment, his expression one of both guilt and defiance. “The hooman’s needed clothing.”

“The what?” Arys asked, slowing down until he stood about a foot from me and the crate I was crouched inside of. “Why is she inside the shipment for Lyessa?”

Lyv scratched the thick braid that ran down the center of his head. “They are called hooman’s as Lala has explained.”

I ducked down inside the crate, chuckling to myself. It had been fun updating Lyv on all thingshoomanwhy I pilfered what could from their cargo hold.

I peeked at Arys though a gap in the crate. His pillowy lips silently wrapped around my name. It really was not fair how handsome the captain was. I didn’t find Lyv attracted, or the asshole from earlier. I didn’t findanyother male on this ship even the slightest bit appealing except fromthis one. Was it the swimmers build? The black silky braids flowing down his back? I guess it could have been the freaking eight pack abs or the bubble butt in those tight pants. Honestly, pretty much everything he had going on caught my attention.

Even the sound of his deep, coarse voice was starting to affect me. I squirmed, watching the tight flex of his leather pants as he stopped right in front of the panel I was crouched behind.

I peeked up, feeling his eyes on me, and swallowed thickly as he rose a sexy eyebrow over his right eye. Even those reptilian eyes were pretty. Strange, but oh so pretty.

“Are you stealing from me, little creature?” He asked on a sexy rumble.

I felt my cheeks heating up and looked away, clutching the body suit to my chest. “Maybe?”

His lips twitched but he got a hold of it before he outright grinned. Watching me closely, he casually leaned against the crate, lifting a shiny baby blue silky garment up with his pointer finger. He held it out to me with a smirk. “I like this one.”

I snatched it from him, bundling it with the other in my arm. Why did it feel like he’d just fondled my panties?

I cleared my throat dramatically and stood, attempting to climb out of the crate with as much dignity as I could muster. “Would you rather Esther and I walk around naked?”

The smirk on his face dropped very quickly at that and he suddenly straightened, folding his arms across his wide chest. “Take what you need.” He spun on his booted heel and marched back through the hold.

Lyv and I shared a bewildered grimace before packing up and heading back up top. Every time I was face to face with Arys it seemed so very awkward and tense. There was something else below the surface as well, something tight and unstable. I felt like a ticking time bomb in his presence and in such a short amount of time it kept getting worse.

When I ran into him for the second time that day, I nearly swallowed my tongue. I was sitting with Esther in the galley. She’d sent Lyv back to the room with a tray of very strange looking fish soup for Albert. Probably not the best cuisine for a man that was barfing straight stomach acid, but the choices here were pretty slim and I thought it helped assuage her guilt as she was able to eat enough for the both of them.

I was picking at my own food. Yes, I loved sushi, but I was still struggling with the strange colors and textures. If I closed my eyes, I could handle it. The taste was actually pretty good. But with my eyes open…it was an effort not to lose my cool.

The captain was walking through the galley and if I hadn’t been already tuned into his presence for no identifiable fucking reason, it would be the dead silence that swept through the room that gave him away. No one bowed or saluted or anything crazy like that. But there was a brief collective moment of silence where every male, of which there were dozens, stopped to show him respect.

It was oddly cool to witness. Especially when he just lazily waved at them and headed to thebackof the damn line. Patiently he stood there, waiting for his turn to fill a tray. Esther and I shared a glance of surprise but then she went back to eating and I went back to staring at his bubble butt.

I thought, at first, that he hadn’t noticed us sitting at the far back of the room, but after he had a full tray, he started making his way directly to our table. I wiped at my face, making sure I didn’t have any stray particles hanging out around my mouth, and then I combed at my hair, trying to tame its fluffy frizzy curls. Esther shot me a sly look and I flushed, tucking my hands underneath my thighs.

“Boobs,” she hissed underneath her breath. “Flash him yourboobs.”
