Page 24 of The Fifth Gate

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I’m not sure who’s more surprised, him or me.

“Are you laughing at me?” The accusation comes out more of a furious hiss with the last of my air. If his grip weren’t so firm in my hair, I would head butt him.

Ares shakes his head. His color is up, and at least he looks a little out of breath. It isn’t exactly gratifying, but I’ll take what I can get.

“Stop fighting,” he says at last. “I’m not going to kill you, even though you’re a supreme pain in my ass.”

“You’re suffocating me,” I point out.

He lifts himself up enough that I can take a full breath of air, all the while trying to understand his words. He doesn’t move any further and the weight of his body pins my wrists to the ground. He’s also braced over my legs so I can’t kick him. My skin is hot, sweat sliding over the knobs of my spine, and I can’t help but squirm at the sensation.

Ares makes a low warning sound in his throat, his grip tightening enough that the bones of my wrists grind together.

I grit my teeth, trying to twist my torso to the side. “Get off me.”

“Are you going to stop trying to attack me if I do?”

And just like that, all the fire and fury are rushing to my head again. “Why should I?” I snarl up into his face as much as I can, wrenching myself to the side like I could roll us over whicih given his girth, I decidedly can’t. “Why should I listen to a damn thing you say? You killed my sister! You want to kill me! You can go to Hell!”

Ares leans down, close enough that if his grip didn’t keep my head tilted back, our noses would be touching. “I’m already there,” he says in a low, dangerous voice, that at any other time would have me looking for the exits.

But I’m too pissed to care at the moment. The rage in me is like madness. Like I’ve turned into one of those Viking berserkers, totally out of control except for beating my way through my opponent. My skin is so hot, I’m surprised steam isn’t pouring off me.

I dig my heels into the stone, andheavewith my hips, trying to knock Ares off me, or at least make him scramble to catch himself so I can get my hands free.

Instead, I set him off balance, and he slips down into the cradle of my hips.

I suck in a ragged breath. Ares is hard, underneath his leathers. I can feel him, like an iron bar, scorching hot through our clothes.

I don’t know what comes over me then. It’s like a switch just flips in my head. All the fear and the fury and the frustration, all of it turns to liquid fire in my veins, and I’m suddenly hot and aching between my legs, feeling like I might die if I don’t get some kind of release. Without any real conscious decision, my hips roll up shamelessly, arching like a cat, to grind against him.

Gods above, adrenaline is the weirdest thing.

Ares goes very still above me. It’s unnerving, like he caught a peek of Medusa and turned to stone in an instant. His fingers flex in my hair, once, but other than that, and the rapid rise and fall of his chest, he might as well be a statue.

Heat moves through me, lazy magma in my veins, obliterating everything before it. My magic bubbles to the surface and I fight to hold it in, sucking in deep breaths, trying to pull my glow back. I suddenly want him, desperately, but I’d never use my power to try and take something that wasn’t being offered. I can’t seem to stop the roll of my hips though. It feels too good, grinding against Ares’s rock-hard body and the erection which is clearly pressed against me.

What in the hells is wrong with me? I’m too keyed up. I’ve been on edge for too long. Always running and fighting and hiding and on the go—the tension’s wound too tight. I feel like a spring about to break.

My power creeps out, little fissures of golden light poking into the air, turning things dewy and sweet. I clamp down on my magic, teeth gritted, and haul it back to me.

I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve never had this kind of trouble with it before. I’ve never used my abilities much. In the mortal world, I usually forget I have magic at all. But suddenly, its raging in me like a thunderstorm gone out of control, and all I can do is bear down on it, tryingto keep it from spilling everywhere.

I sink my teeth into my lower lip and hold on. The heat builds. Sweat dampens the hair at my temples. I need to get away from him. It’s something within him that’s making me react this way—it must be. His own godly power that’s pushed the button on my libido.

I need to go.

I swipe my tongue over my dry lips, tasting salt and honey. I have to warn Ares, to get him to let me go, to get away. But just as I open my mouth to say something, he uses his grip on my hair to drag me closer, and crushes our mouths together.

It’s like setting spurs to a horse. My power soaks the room, glowing golden and hazy. It makes my body come alive, feeling the press of my armor, the pressure of his body, the brush of air over sweat-damp skin.

The hot, wet glide of his tongue has me writhing. I want to touch him, to sink my nails into his skin, to press closer. He must feel the desperation in me, because he lets go of my wrists, and I don’t waste a second before sliding them over the broad slope of his shoulders and down his leather-clad back, trying to urge him on.

The feel of his hands sliding over my body burns like a brand, even through my armor. I arch, trying to press closer, to getmore. There isn’t any other thought in my head but that, justmore, more, give me more.

Ares gives my lower lip a little stinging nip, and I suck in a surprised gasp. I can feel his chuckle like an earthquake through my body, like a detonation. I dig my nails into the leather of his armor, and bring my legs up to wrap around his waist. That gives me the leverage I need to grind up against him, hips seeking.

He sucks in a ragged breath that comes out in a warning growl, and it’s my turn to huff out a breathless laugh. He drops his mouth to my throat, and the hot swipe of his tongue over the skin there makes me feel like the top of my head is going to come off. My blood is pulsing, thundering in my veins. My skin feels like it’s glowing, casting shadows of our bodies against the walls.
