Page 26 of The Fifth Gate

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He thrusts his hips forward, and my spine snaps into an arch, all the breath driven out of me. It’s exactly what I want, it’s too much, it’s perfect. I scrabble at his shoulders and back, trying to ground myself against the pressure. Ares gives me the chance to suck in two gasping breaths before it feels like his tether snaps, and he’s driving forward into my body in a devastating rhythm.

Pleasure sparks, burning up my spine like an electric current. We move together like two forces of nature. It feels like seas should rise and fall, mountains bursting up out of the earth. I drag my nails down Ares’s back, half expecting shadows to well in their wake.

Strong white teeth fasten on the spot where my neck meets my shoulder, and I press up into the bite, reveling in the feeling.

Time ceases all meaning. There is nothing beyond our bodies coming together. It feels primordial, like it must have when the universe was first created. The pleasure grows, the warm weight of it building, tightening, until finally Ares reaches down between our bodies and rubs a rough circle at the top of my sex with his thumb.

Then I shatter, golden heat flooding my body as I arch, crying out. His weight over top of me is grounding, like he’s all that’s keeping me from flying apart into a thousand directions. A super nova burns behind my eyelids.

Ares’s hands tighten, crushing me to him as with a guttural sound, he follows me down into ecstasy.


Eventually, sanity returns.

One minute, I’m curled up beside Ares in his enormous bed. One of his arms is around my waist, the other is flattened between my shoulder blades. One of his legs is thrown over mine, like he’s worried I’m going to vanish if he doesn’t keep hold of me.

I feel boneless with pleasure, my eyelids heavy. It’s the closest I’ve come to relaxation in longer than I want to think about. I run my fingers idly over a scar high up on his ribs, and wonder to myself what could have permanently marked a god. Ares gives a sleepy rumble, like a jungle cat that’s pleased to be petted.

The next second, everything that the desire managed to drown out slams back into me, and I stiffen.

What the hell am I doing?

I’m in bed with the man who wants to kill me, who wants to kill my mother, and isstillholding my sister. I’ve made a huge, huge mistake and I have to get out. I only have two days left before mother’s deadline.

Ares must notice the tension in my muscles, because his leg tugs me closer, more like a hold than a cuddle. His hand strokes down my spine, and some of the stiffness eases out almost against my will.

“Easy,” he rumbles, not even opening his eyes.

“You… you did something to me,” I manage.

He chuckles. “I was about to say the same to you.”

I choke on a laugh, the sound coming out ugly. I glance around the room. Its Spartan, but then doesn’t that make sense? Ares had been their patron god in their day. Other than a few mounted weapons on the walls, and an armor rack, there isn’t anything else but the bed. The door is on the far wall, but it feels like it might as well be a football field away.

“Even if you could get to the door before me, your clothes are still back in the hallway,” he points out, clearly watching my train of thought.

I give Ares the glare his comment deserves. “You could get them for me.”

“I could,” he admits, cracking his eyes open. “But you being naked seems like a good way to keep you in one place for a change.”

Oh, the prick. “I think you’re overestimating my pride, if you think I won’t run through your hallway naked to get my sister back.”

And just like that, the sleepy, laid-back mood is gone. It’s like I just dropped a grenade in the room, bringing up all the things I was desperate not to think about.

Ares opens his eyes. He looks down at me with an expression that’s a little too close to somber for comfort, but his thumb keeps moving back and forth gently over one of the vulnerable knobs of my spine. The gesture makes it hard for the panic to swell beneath my skin.

Maybe it’s crazy. Maybe it’s just the lingering pleasure weighing down my limbs. But I don’t think he’s going to hurt me. I know for sure he doesn’t want to. If it had just been sex, I wouldn’t be so sure. But lying here now, wrapped in his arms, it feels way too close to cuddling for me to think he’s planning on killing me.

But I’ve been wrong before.

Ares lets out a long breath. He’s immortal, and gods don’t age physically, but right here and now, he looks tired.

“What if there is another way,” I whisper into the warm dark between us.


“What if there is a way for us all to walk out of here. Would you take it?”
