Page 15 of Once Upon a Kiss

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Their lips separated with an exhale from Drew, while he wasn’t sure if Lacey had taken a breath. He leaned his forehead on hers and whispered, “You’re stunning. I want to get to know you, everything about you, Lacey.”

Finding her voice, she softly gripped his wrists, holding him in place—a sensation Drew relished. “Really?” This woman had him wrapped in a web of happiness. He couldn’t prevent his lips curlingup at the corners.

Drew nodded. “Walk with me?”

“I’d love to.”

Drew led them off the deck and onto the beach. They slid their shoes off and let them dangle from their fingertips as they strolled across the sand. After a few minutes, they stopped and turned toward the water. They watched the sun disappear and the sky take on a pinkish and gold hue. “So pretty,” Lacey murmured. “I don’t really think I’ve ever paid attention to the sunset before.” Drew loved the wonder in her voice. “I’m glad I shared it with you.”

“I am too. There’s so much I want to share with you, Lacey. I’m not even exactly sure why.” She arched a brow, drawing a deep chuckle from Drew. “That came out wrong.”

They laughed and continued to walk the shoreline. “Tell me more about your life in New York.”

“I love it there. I have a couple of very close friends.”

“Is one of them whoever told you to shave your legs?”

Even in the soft evening light, Drew could see her cheeks flame red. “Yes, that would be Grace. She and my other friend Janine convinced me to take this trip.”

“Remind me to thank them one day.” Her head snapped toward Drew. “That’s if I ever have the chance to meet them,” he said quickly, realizing the implication. When she didn’t immediately object, he decided to broach the subject. “I like you, Lacey. And I’m not saying we need to dive into a relationship after two days of knowing each other, but when I think of how you make me feel,fakeis the last adjective I’d use to describe it.”

After a pregnant pause, she let out a thoughtful breath. “Maybe we can take it one day at a time and see what happens?”

I can live with that,he thought. “Yes, one day at a time. And speaking of days, I have something special planned for us tomorrow.”

“You do?”

He led her back up the beach to a circular settee housed under a cabana. “Yes. We’ll be celebrating your birthday. Just you, me, andthis beautiful island. How does that sound?”

“Wonderful.” Drew lay back and took Lacey with him. Just like when they danced, she laid her head on his chest. His fingers played with the silky strands of her hair. “Drew?”


“Thank you.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I didn’t do anything yet.”

Her nails traced circles over his chest. “You’ve done more for me than you know.”

They stayed in silence, listening to the waves, as other vacationers’ voices wafted in the air, but all he could concentrate on was the woman in his arms.Yeah,Drew thought,there’s nothing fake about her.

“I can’t believe you did all of this!” Lacey stared around at the deck as her hair whipped in the wind. Drew had chartered the prettiest boat she’d ever seen.

Two men, one wearing white and the other navy, appeared from below deck. The one in white spoke up, “I’m Anthony, and I’ll be your captain today. This is my deckhand, James.” They exchanged handshakes before James added, “Please make yourselves at home. Lunch will be served in the galley at noon. Light appetizers and drinks are also available for you to enjoy. Anthony will anchor the boat when we reach a perfect spot to snorkel. Once we’re back at sea, dinner will be served.”

Lacey looked up at Drew, a wide smile splayed across her face. “I’ve never been snorkeling.”

Drew beamed back at her. “You’ll love it. The water is so clear, and the sea life is incredible.”

James nodded. “Once we’re there, I’ll bring out the equipment and answer any questions you may have. For now, please enjoy the beauty of the sea.”

The men disappeared, and before long the sleek white vessel cut through the gentle waves as they pulled away from the island.

“Happy birthday,” Drew said, pulling her into his arms. “Thank you for spending your day with me.”

Lacey rolled up on the balls of her feet, roped her arms around Drew’s neck, and brought her lips to his cheek, giving him a chaste kiss. As she pulled away, the realization struck her that this man—this virtual stranger—had the ability to show her more kindness than Kevin had in all the time they were together.

Drew looked as though he wanted to say something but remained silent. She took a moment to study his features, not wanting to forget one angle of his face, one speck of blue in his eyes, or the way he effortlessly smiled at her.
