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“Sure, whatever you’d like. I don’t want to slow you down, so please don’t feel as though you need to stay with me.”

Once again I gave her a nod. I put my earbuds in, she did the same, and we started with a slow jog down my driveway until we found an agreeable pace. Charlie stayed in step with me despite her stride being shorter. Her ponytail bounced in my peripheral vision, her arms pumped, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by her.

Our feet ate up the pavement as we made our way through the neighborhood. This was my favorite time to get in a run. The freshly risen morning sun illuminated the dewy grass, the traffic was light, and aside from a few people walking their dogs, it was relatively quiet. Usually I’d use this time to think or clear my head, but with Charlie beside me, I found that difficult to do.

It hadn’t been because she was talking or even looking in my direction. It was because my thoughts were full of her. Thoughts similar to… if she were any other woman, I would have hit on her by now. If she weren’t living in my house, I’d want to get her into my house (yes, I realized the irony), and I knew I couldn’t be the only man who thought this way.

Approximately thirty-five minutes later, we were back home. Charlie’s cheeks were red thanks to a combination of the morning air and us clocking a little over six-minute miles. Normally I’d make it in thirty or fewer minutes, but even though she said I could run ahead of her, I didn’t want to.

“That was great,” she said, removing her headphones. After pulling a case from a side pocket in her leggings, a pocket that I hadn’t noticed before, she stowed the headphones away. “We made good time.” Charlie tapped her watch before bringing her index and middle finger to the pulse on her neck. “Usually I pace seven-plus-minute miles.”

My eyes instantly focused on the rise and fall of her chest. Quickly averting them, I leaned back in a stretch. “Yeah, felt good this morning. Especially after that burger yesterday.”

She laughed and placed her hand on her flat stomach. “Agreed. No more junk food for me. Those football pants aren’t very forgiving. I’m not sure a kicker should have a muffin top.”

An image of her in the Thunder’s uniform popped into my head. Except, for some odd reason, it was my jersey on her, not her own. “What’s your number?”

Her brows furrowed as she followed me into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed us each a bottle of water.

“Thank you,” she said twisting the cap off. “I’m not sure. My soccer number was three, but I know that’s already taken. What number would you pick for me?”

“One,” I easily answered. “Makes sense. You’re the first woman in the league.”

“Hmm… do you think that is too forward of me?”

I shrugged. “Nope. But ultimately it’s up to you. I suppose you can leave it in Reese’s hands, but my guess is she’d think along the same wavelength.”

“All right, I’ll give it some thought before texting her. I’m going to go take a shower and then head to the market. Do you need anything?”

“No, but you need a car. You can use one of mine, or we can go together.”

Charlie smirked. “Right. Honestly, I’m not usually such an airhead. All of this came out of the blue and threw me off balance. Either way is fine. Maybe after I get cleaned up my head will be clearer.”

“I’m going to do the same.”

We stared at each other for a long moment, and the air grew thicker between us. Maybe it was tension or maybe it was attraction, but whatever it was, it needed to be tucked away and out of my brain. Not waiting for a second longer, I moved to the side and waved my hand toward the stairs. “After you.”

Charlie smiled, and I didn’t hesitate to take the steps two at a time. She’d been in my house for only a day, and I already knew that my willpower would be tested to thenth degree.


“Come on in,” I said to Lucas, Harley, Sophie, and Cami, who all stood on my porch eager to meet the newest player on the Thunder’s team. Boy, were they all in for a shock. I greeted the women with a kiss on the cheek, and Lucas got a bro hug and slap on the back.

“Mack went to go pick up a couple of pizzas.”

“Sounds good, thanks.”

“So… ,” Cami said, darting her eyes around the room. “Where is he?”

Grinning, I answered, “Charlie should be down any minute.”

“What’s he like?” Sophie asked with the same sparkle in her eye that Cami had. Neither were jersey chasers, and I knew for a fact that Cami just liked to rile up her brother. Sophie, on the other hand, may not have been related to any of us, but much like Cami, she knew how to push our buttons.

“Different,” I offered as an explanation.

Just then movement on the stairs caught all of our attentions. “Seriously, Collin? Your hookup is still here?” Sophie blurted with a touch of venom lacing her words.

Charlie’s eyes widened as her pink-sneakered foot hit the last step. She looked stunning in a pair of light-colored jeans that hung loose on her hips, a tucked-in long-sleeve white V-neck shirt that molded over her body, and a black belt that made her waist look like the width of my leg. Her hair, styled straighter than before, lay perfectly over her shoulders.
