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Next, I texted Mack.

Me:Hey, find Valencia. She took a picture of me and Charlie.

Mack:Saw that and took care of it. You owe me five grand.

Me:Fine. Thanks.

I wasn’t sure who else may have snapped a picture, but hopefully that would be no one for Charlie’s sake. They can say what they want about me—I was used to being posted online with women. After a while it was either expected or white noise.

Leaving out the part about Mack, I tucked away my phone and confirmed that we were all set with Sophie. I tapped my key fob and opened Charlie’s door for her.

Before she got in, she turned and looked at me. “I’m sure I should thank you for getting us out of there. But next time can you not act like a Neanderthal?”

“That would have required me to put you over my shoulder. I didn’t do that.”

“Actually, that’s a fireman’s carry. Either way, you may as well have. Face it, you didn’t want me there to begin with. So why don’t I call a rideshare, and you can go back in and have fun with your friends. Maybe talk to your… whatever… about that picture if it bothers you so much.”

“Mack took care of Valencia and the picture.” I placed my hand on the side of her cheek. Her eyes met mine, and even though the sky had darkened, I could still get lost in her pretty blue orbs. “Plus, I don’t want to go back inside.”


Her question didn’t seem as though she were fishing for a compliment or carried the weight of an ulterior motive. Instead, Charlie sincerely wanted to know, and I told her the truth. “Because, Charlie, contrary to what you think, I have thought about that kiss in my kitchen. Believe me, I didn’t want to. Hell, it was barely anything. Except our barely anything made me feel things I hadn’t expected.”

“You felt something? For me?”

Not wanting to risk anyone taking photos of us, I dropped my hand and motioned for her to get into the car. Once she did, I closed her door, hustled around to my side, fired it up, and pulled out of the parking lot.

I didn’t bother with the radio or small talk. All I did was focus on the road, and I got us home in record time, without fracturing any laws. Charlie must have sensed my mood, because aside from her occasionally clearing her throat, she didn’t say anything either.

My tires practically screeched to a halt in front of my garage, and as soon as we were both standing on my driveway, I grabbed Charlie’s hand and tugged her inside my house. She stumbled a bit but righted herself before the front door clicked closed. Turning to face her, my heart slammed against my ribs. Taking a step forward, I cupped her cheeks with both of my hands and finally answered, “You asked if I felt something for you. Yes, I did. And I mean no offense by this, but I didn’t want to.” She blanched, and her gaze rolled toward the floor.

“I want you to look at me when I say this.” Tipping her head back, I let my fingers linger over the strong beat of the pulse point in her neck. Choosing my words carefully, I explained as best as I could: “You’re a beautiful woman, Charlie Nicholson. Seeing that guy paw you on the dance floor irked me. Then that second guy—”

“I handled it.”

Smirking at her toughness, I nodded. “Yes, and I’m very proud of you for that. Better for him that you did, trust me.”

“You don’t need to worry about me or come to my rescue. I can obviously take care of myself. You can’t do that when we’re on the field.”

I planted my left hand against the closed door behind her, not exactly caging her in, but regardless, she still hadn’t moved. “I know that. I’m just saying that guy touching you bugged me.”

“You’re not making much sense. I’m smart, but I’m not a mind reader. Tell me why it bothered you that someone danced with me. Because when you were dancing, you didn’t seem to have a care in the world except for your dance partner.”

“Because he wasn’t good enough for you.”

She scoffed at my statement. “You don’t even know him.”

“No, but I know his type.”

“That’s the reason? You know his type?”

“Charlie, whether you want to be or not, you’re going to be a public figure. And as soon as Reese’s press conference airs, you’ll see how people will change. Suddenly you’ll be popular, sought after, and not everyone has good intentions.”

“I understand, but I still think there’s something else. Just spit it out.” All I could do was look at her. Admitting anything would raise the tension tenfold. “Oh my God. This is all because of my virginity? Isn’t it? It’s not like I was going to bring that guy back here, which I’d never do, by the way. Nor would I go to his place or a hotel for a quick romp. I’d like my first time to be a bit more special than that. I’m not sure what else you want me to say. Or why you care so much. Yes, on the field you’re my mentor, but off the field, can you stop playing the big brother role? I’m not Sally’s or your responsibility.”

A tad annoyed at her tone, I couldn’t help but spout, “You’re right. You’re not my responsibility. Would you have preferred I left you on the dance floor with that guy?” When she remained silent, I added, “Honesty goes both ways. Tell me. Is that what you would have preferred?”

“No, I suppose not.”
