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I turned and hustled up the stairs, changed into my micro-stretch shorts that barely covered my butt. Usually I reserved them for long runs in brutal heat or to wear under flowy skirts. After whipping off my top and bralette, I replaced it with a sports bra and my college soccer jersey, which was a bit too long but would serve the purpose. After I changed my shoes, I grabbed my soccer ball and headed downstairs.

When I looked at the sofa, Collin was no longer there. Oh well, maybe he stepped out. Not bothering to check to be sure, I went on with my plan. The summer heat smacked me in the face as soon as I stepped through the french doors. I loved summer, but humidity—not so much.

Dropping the soccer ball on the grass, I began to softly kick it before flicking it up and dribbling with my knees, instep, and head. It was something I’d learned over the years. It started with a hacky sack and grew from there. We’d have friendly competitions in school. Most of the time we’d get tired before dropping the ball or bean-filled bag.

I’d been at it for a while. Drops of sweat dripped down my neck and back, soaking my shirt. I lifted it over my head and tossed it to the side, leaving me in my white sports bra. A few more minutes, and then I’d take a break. My original plan was for Collin to come outside, but that wasn’t going to happen. And at the current state of grossness I was in, I no longer wanted him to.

Glancing around, I wished there had been a pool he hadn’t told me about, but that wasn’t the case. As though it were an oasis on a deserted desert island rather than a rubber hose attached to a spigot, I hustled toward it, aimed the nozzle toward the sky, and turned it on, creating a misty rain to cool me off… and it felt like heaven. Then, out of my peripheral vision, movement in the upstairs window caught my attention.

He was watching me.


Chapter 19


My resolve to stay away from Charlie and not have sex with her was fraying like a thread on a worn pair of pants. I knew one small tug and that resolve would fall apart. When I went upstairs, I couldn’t help but look out the window to see her in the backyard. She seemed to effortlessly juggle the soccer ball with her foot, then knee a couple of times, before it landed on the back of her neck. With a flick, it flew up, she bumped it with her chest, and continued the series again.

Little did I know she possessed those ball-handling skills. Then again, it was Charlie. The woman surprised me at every turn. Just like when she took off her jersey and my body reacted in my shorts. At that point, I should have stepped away and handled it myself—pun intended—or gone and taken a cold shower. Either of those scenarios would have been the right choice, except my brain told me to keep watching. If nothing else, it would be a great memory to keep in the vault.

Charlie stood below the self-created rainfall, and with her free hand, she pulled the tie from her hair. Her head dropped back with closed eyes as the water continued to run over her. She swayed as though starring in a shampoo commercial. Except it had to be the most riveting one I’d ever watched.

The white fabric of her bra turned more translucent the wetter it became. With her lids still shut, Charlie bent over, giving me a perfect view of her heart-shaped ass. That position didn’t last long, because before I knew it, she stood. Her hair fanned as though in slow motion, sending droplets of water cascading into the air. Much to my surprise, she turned her head and locked eyes with mine.

Yeah, busted. So I did the only thing I could… I waved.

She smiled, raised her hand, and wiggled her fingers, then went back to her soccer ball. Not being able to take it any longer, I headed outside and joined her.

“Quite the talent you have there.”

Charlie laughed. “Yeah, it took a lot of practice, but I can actually go for a pretty long time.”Baby, so can I,I thought. Seriously, what the hell was going on with me? “Want to try?”

“What?” She sucked her lips between her teeth so tightly two little creases formed around them. Pulling my mind out of the gutter, and knowing it would be a bad idea, I nodded anyway. Charlie dropped the ball onto the ground and flicked it with her foot, sending it into the air behind her before it curved around and landed on her knee, where she bounced it a few times. “Uh… I can’t do that.”

She smiled. “Try it like this first.” Charlie held the ball about six inches above her bent right knee before releasing it. It bounced once; then she caught it and did it again. First once, then twice, then three times.

“Looks easy enough.” She handed me the ball, and I did what she did, but I made it to only five bounces before it hit the grass. Tossing the ball back to her, I said, “Go ahead, show-off.”

Charlie laughed and then did exactly that. It was mesmerizing, as was her body. Thanks to the water, her white sports bra was now completely see-through. The woman was driving me wild, and she didn’t even know it.

“Is there anything you can’t do, Charlie?”

“I’m sure there is.”

She tucked the ball under her arm and looked at me.

“Want to go grab something to eat?”

“Um… sure. I’m a mess, though. I need to get ready first.”

Not being able to wait, and sure I had lost my mind, I palmed both of her cheeks, leaned forward, and brought my lips to hers. The ball bounced near my foot, and she wound her arms around my neck, forcing me to release her. When I did, she hopped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. It hadn’t been planned, but it felt as though she melted into me. My hands went to below her cute butt. Charlie’s brazen tongue had my body swaying as though a strong wind had just blown in.

Her fingers slid into the back of my hair; her nails scraped my scalp just enough to send a charge of electricity to zap my spine. She tugged, her legs tightened around me, and I gripped her thighs with a gentle squeeze.

“Charlie,” I rushed out in a hurried breath.

“Please, Collin. Don’t be a gentleman.”
