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“Come on.” Cami once again took the lead, making a path toward a table that had just been vacated. She plopped onto one of the high-top chairs and began to scan the crowd. “I’m so glad our brothers aren’t here. Don’t get me wrong, I love Lucas, but ever since my breakup with Trevor, he’s been vetting my dates. Needless to say, he hasn’t had to do it very often. The last guy I tried to go out with happened to be a big football fan. I think he would have rather taken Lucas to bed that night.” When my eyes sprang wide, she added, “You know what I mean.”

“Been there too. Collin is like a people magnet.”

“So are you, Sal,” I couldn’t help but say. “You too, Cami. You both are sweet, smart, and gorgeous. The trifecta. I’m sure there’s someone out there for both of you.”

“Yeah, maybe. It’s not as though I’m looking for love. After Trevor I’m in no rush to dive into a relationship.”

“I’m sorry he was a jerk.”

“Thanks. At least one of us is getting some action. Tell me about you and Collin. How are things going?”

It still felt so weird using my name in the same sentence with his. “Good. He’s good. Everything is moving quickly.”

“Life, right? One minute you think you know exactly how things are going to go, then, BAM! Everything changes. Toss in matters of the heart, and that adds a completely new dimension.”

Cami was right. I was on my way to going to med school. Instead, I’m playing football and in a relationship with the man of my dreams. A server interrupted my thoughts when he lifted three cocktails off his tray and placed one in front of each of us. “We didn’t order these,” I stated, looking at the pale-yellow martinis.

“Courtesy of the two fellas at the bar.” When we all craned our heads to look, a dark-haired guy raised his glass. He nudged the man sitting next to him, and when he turned, I couldn’t help but notice his baseball cap with our team’s logo on it.

“We shouldn’t—”

“Oh yes we should,” Cami touted, cutting me off midsentence and placing her fingertips on the glass’s stem.

“Sorry, hon. I’m with Cami.”

The server stepped back, but before walking away, he looked at me. “You’re Charlie Nicholson, right?”

I nodded, a bit taken aback from a stranger knowing my name. Collin and Reese both said it would happen, but I still didn’t expect it.

“Great kick last week.”


Cami beamed. “She’s amazing.”

“Here’s to a great season. Enjoy your night, and let me know if there’s anything else I can get you.”

Sally’s eyes tracked him until he disappeared behind a table of frat guys. “Dang, he was cute… lawn-worthy even.”

“Sally!” I accidentally shouted, making her jump in her seat.

“What, I’m just saying he could have a very powerful hose.”

Cami’s brow furrowed, but not wanting to hear about Sally’s hoo-ha again, I raised my glass. “You’re incorrigible. Cheers to us!” The tart lemony liquid slid down my throat a little easier that I thought it would. Having just turned twenty-one along with being school focused, I wasn’t used to drinking alcoholic beverages. Yet this one was delicious. Maybe too much so, because not only did that one go down easily, but so did the next one… and the one after that.

“Let’s dance!” Sally slid out of the booth and teetered before laughing. “I should have worn sneaks like yours. Come on, I love this song.”

The three of us shimmied our way onto the dance floor, and for the next hour, we got lost in the music. So much so that I didn’t realize a guy had put his hand on my butt until I saw the flash from a phone’s camera.


Chapter 23


I rapped my hand on Lucas’s front door. When he pulled it open, he had oven mitts on. “Catch you at a bad time?” I asked, squeezing past him.

“Need to grab my dinner out of the oven.”
