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“I work here.”

“What?” Taking a moment, I looked at her again and realized she was dressed like the training staff. “You’re a trainer.”

“I’m interning while I work toward my degree here in Virginia.”

Loud voices replaced the silence as the team barreled into the room. They stopped and looked at us.

“Well, look who decided to come back. I hope you can get this fool out of his slump.” Mack chuckled before giving her a hug.

“Get off her. You’re all sweaty.”

“You don’t mind, do you?”

Charlie shook her head. “Hi, Mack.”

Trent blew his whistle. “As much as I love reunions… hi, Charlie”—she raised her hand in a quick wave—“I like winning more.”

While I was in the locker room, Jackson scored a touchdown, leaving the deficit to only three points going into the second half.

We went over a few plays that we’d missed, and I knew my responsibility for those that didn’t work. “Guys, we’re a strong unit,” I said with a bit more confidence than I’d had when I walked into this room before the game. “We’ve got this.”

“Damn straight!” Mack shouted, slapping Jackson’s hand.

Jackson, our captain, walked to the front of the room, gave a pep talk, and then led the team out of the locker room.

Turning, I looked at Charlie, who stood next to my locker. Walking toward her, I cupped her face and poured every ounce of love I had for that girl into my gaze.

When our eyes met, I never felt so complete. “We’ll talk more later. You have a game to play. Is your leg okay?”

I nodded and grabbed my helmet off the bench. “Yes, it was just a cramp. Feels fine. You coming?”

“I’m right behind you.”

Shaking my head, I grabbed her hand. “You belong beside me.”


We won in overtime. Jackson was named the MVP of the game thanks to his touchdown ending the tie and making us the reigning champions. As soon as the on-field celebration ended, the trophies were awarded to the owners, and the fans who’d remained in the stadium had another chance to cheer for us. Eventually we went into the locker room, where champagne flew into the air as the celebration continued.

The next thirty or so minutes consisted of Trent giving us a speech and Charlie saying hi to the guys, who were equally shocked and happy to see her. DiNardo was especially elated. I hadn’t realized that they’d become friends. He yammered about his new girlfriend before I pulled mine away. As much as I wanted to continue celebrating, I wanted to be with Charlie more.

Everyone looked at where my arm was slung over her shoulder. Yes, we were “out,” so to speak. She was no longer a teammate, and if I wanted to kiss her in front of a jam-packed stadium, I would.

Apparently no one was surprised to hear we were together. So much for hiding our relationship. Most of the guys told her they were thrilled she was back. Even Anton, who had been an ass for most of the season, was glad to see her. Then again, rumor had it he might not be re-signing with the Thunder next year.

“You ready to go?” I asked. She nodded and gave DiNardo a quick wave. We headed out of the locker room to find Reese in the hallway with a bright smile on her face.

“Hi, Reese. Congratulations on winning the championship,” Charlie said, giving her a quick hug rather than a handshake.

“Thank you, Charlie. You were an instrumental part of the team’s success. I’m glad to have you back, even though it’s off the field.”

“Thank you, Reese. I’m thrilled you gave me the opportunity.”

“Of course. Now I need to go find my husband. I’m sure he’s drenched in bubbly.”

We laughed, knowing that was a fact. Turning down the hall, and before we walked outside, I zipped up my jacket and grabbed Charlie’s hand. “How did all of this happen, Charlie?”

“It’s a bit of a story.”
