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When I first started, I couldn’t wait to check everything out. When I was a kid, my dad had taken me on a stadium tour. As soon as we’d stepped into the locker room, I’d imagined my name adorning one of the lockers. Then Smythe had brought me into the Thunder’s, and the young kid inside me couldn’t help but snap a picture of the wooden cubby and send it to my father with the taglineLook, Dad. I did it!

I had a feeling Charlie didn’t have that same dream. “Would you like a tour of the facility? Or if you’d rather, we can save the tour for another day. I’m sure you want to get settled in since you’re new in town”.

“Yes, I’d prefer the latter if that’s okay? I stayed at a hotel last night, but since I checked out, my things are right there.” She pointed to a large rolling suitcase, a duffel, an equipment bag with the team logo on it, and something rarely if ever seen on the sideline, a purse.

I had absolutely no issue with a woman playing in the league, but everything about this situation had caught me off guard. I didn’t even know what locker room she’d be using. I needed to remember to ask Reese what the plan would be.

“Reese had a car service for me last night when I arrived and this morning. But since you’re here, do you mind giving me a ride? I mean it makes sense. Unless you have other things to do; then I can go on ahead.”

Not sure what made sense aside from me having a car and her not, I nodded. “Sure, I can give you a ride. I was going to work out, but I’ll do that later.”

“Great. I just need to change my shoes, and I’ll be good to go.”

It was then I noticed she had soccer cleats on. She reached into the equipment bag, pulled out a pair of light-pink Converse high-tops, and replaced her spikes with them. Charlie shoved the helmet in the bag, yanked out a white hoodie, stood, and began to lift her jersey. Despite her having on a long-sleeve undershirt, I almost turned around to give her privacy—except I didn’t.

Charlie had matured very nicely. Her curves were perfect for her lithe body—not too big, not too small. I couldn’t help but continue my perusal. She was stunning. Noifs,ands, orbuts about it, Charlie Nicholson had grown up to be a complete knockout.

As soon as she zipped the bag, I was pulled out of my unwanted thoughts. I lifted the one with her equipment, put the strap on my shoulder, grabbed the handle on her suitcase, and raised the pull bar. Charlie picked up her other duffel and purse.

“Thank you,” she said, following me off the field.

“You’re welcome.” It was a good thing I had my SUV today and not my sports car, or her bags would be left behind. Pushing a button on my key fob, I unlocked the doors, then opened the trunk to stow her things away.

“Thanks, Collin.”

“No worries. You don’t need to keep thanking me. You’re covered.”

“Okay. Sorry.”

We both got into our respective sides and buckled up. “So where to?” I asked, only to be met with wide eyes. Was I supposed to know? A few long seconds went by without an answer. “Charlie, do you have the address of where you’re staying?”

“Umm… yes?”

Why was she answering me with a question?

Her brows furrowed; then her jaw slackened. “I can’t believe this. Sally didn’t ask you, did she?”

Of course this had to do with my sister. I was almost afraid to know but couldn’t avoid it. “Ask me what, exactly?”

I watched as her fingers began to twist with the string on her sweatshirt’s hood. “Oh my God, this is horrible. I love your sister, but I’m going to wallop her.”

“Wallop?” If I hadn’t been so confused, I would have laughed.

“Can you please just take me back to the hotel on Maple Ave? Actually, no, wait… not that one. When I checked out, I heard the guy behind the desk tell someone they were fully booked because of a convention or something.” She reached into her purse and grabbed her phone. “Hold on. I’ll find one. What’s the zip code here? It’ll make it easier to search.”

Her thumbs worked the screen at a rapid pace as an odd feeling settled in my chest, and rather than rattle off the five digits she wanted, I instead asked, “Charlie, what was Sally supposed to ask me?” When she didn’t say anything, I cocked a brow, encouraging her to speak even though I had a feeling I already knew what it had been.

“She said your house was big enough, and that you wouldn’t mind if I stayed there. God, this is so embarrassing. The last thing I want to do is impose. I’ll stay in a hotel until I find a rental.”

My sister was a piece of work. I knew I would regret it, but I still offered. “It’s no problem if you crash with me.”

Charlie let out a breath through her nose. “Are you sure? I promise not to bother you.”

“Yes, I’m sure. It’ll give us time to go over more than what you read in a book.”

“Okay. Thank you. And, really, I’m sorry. I’ll start looking for a place online.”

“It’s all good.”
