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But how could she say that without sounding like a monster?

Kaitlyn just stared out at the water hopelessly. There was no guarantee that anyone would find them anytime soon… or even at all for that matter. Tears welled up in her eyes as she finally accepted their situation - they were truly trapped on the island, with no way out.

"We're going to die," she repeated, whispering the words past a painful, aching lump in her throat.

“I’m sure we’re not,” Carter said soothingly, pulling her into his arms. She melted into his hug, hating that she suddenly felt like everything would be alright. How could anything be okay when they were stranded in the middle of nowhere?

“The island is tiny.” Kaitlyn had already explored a bit while he was out. She tried to push the thought of him beside her, still trapped into his seat, looking dead, out of her mind, but the image persisted. She had no doubt she’d have nightmares of that memory for the rest of her life… which might not be long at all.

“That’s good to know. Let’s make a plan.” Carter released her and gazed around them at the beach and vegetation.

She appreciated the fact that he was trying to stay positive and take control, but she couldn’t help but feel despair creep back in. What chance did they have? And how could he be so sure they'd be okay?

She sighed and looked around at the dense foliage behind them and the sandy beach and water before them. "I guess we could try and find a way off this island," she said half-heartedly.

He nodded thoughtfully. "That's an option. Let's get moving and keep thinking." He gave her a small smile of encouragement before standing up, pulling her to her feet and embracing her chest to chest and heart to heart. She could feel his stead pulse and her own heartrate began to come down and level out.

After a moment, he slipped his hand in hers and turned away. They walked down the beach with her a step behind, their hands keeping them linked as she tried to pull herself out of her head.

She followed after him silently, not sure what else to do or say. She felt like they were both just operating on autopilot at this point, trying to survive with no real plan or hope for the future.

As they walked further down the beach, Kaitlyn started looking for anything that could be used as a tool or shelter - wood for a fire, flint for a spark, anything really - but there didn't seem to be much available apart from driftwood washed up on shore, the strange dense foliage, and trees.

They reached an area where the trees gave way to sand once more like an oasis in the middle of a jungle and Carter stopped walking, turning to face her with a determined look on his face. "We can make it," he said firmly. "We will make it."

He sounded like he was trying to convince her.

Kaitlyn tried to muster up some kind of response but failed miserably - all she could do was nod her head in agreement and cling onto his optimism while silently hoping he was right.

“I think we should head back to the plane and see what we can salvage." He sounded so calm, so measured, she wondered how he managed to be so even-keeled in the face of such a disaster.

She didn’t want to admit it, but she was relieved that Carter was so relaxed. She worried less with him by her side and his sure tone put her at ease.

"I'm sorry your vacation is ruined." He pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. "I'll make it up to you when we get home."

"Get home?" Clearly, he hadn't seen the same movies and shows she had.

Carter nodded. "They’ll find us soon.”

Could he be right? Or was he being optimistic for her benefit?

Kaitlyn nodded, choosing his optimism over her own fears. “You’re right. We need to get back to the plane and find water.”

He took her hand, his eyes twinkling, and they walked hand in hand toward the wreck.

They returned to the crash site and dug around, finding supplies. She was afraid to ask him what had become of the flight attendant and pilots, but Carter told her to steer clear of the wreck, saying it was too dangerous to enter.

So, Kaitlyn took a moment and shaded her eyes with her hand, looking around the island away from the wreckage. The tree canopy didn't stop the sun from filtering through in spots, splashing light down on the sand and vegetation in random patches. She could see that the left wing had broken off into a horrid mess of twisted metal and tangled wires. The tail section had sheared off, leaving the tail boom behind. The fuselage lay crumpled, like the carcass of a fallen mammoth.

She turned to Carter as he walked up behind her, his arms loaded with water, food, a medical kit, and emergency supplies. "What happened to the pilot? And the flight crew?" She didn't want the answer, but she had to know.

Carter sighed and turned away from her, his arms still full of supplies. She watched as he walked a few feet away and lowered the supplies to the ground. He then turned back to her with a heavy sadness that she could feel in her chest.

"They didn't make it," he replied softly. "The pilots died on impact and the flight attendant was crushed by debris."

Kaitlyn felt tears pooling in her eyes, but she fought them back, determined not to cry.

"We should do something," Carter said quietly, gesturing at the wreckage around them. "Some kind of memorial or something."
