Page 27 of Evan

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“Why not?” he pressed.

“Evan! Drop it.”

“Well, where did you meet him? Who is he?”

“Maybe I was going to do my own blind date.”

“Maybe? Or really?”

“Does it matter?”

That was the crux of it. Did it matter? For some damn reason, it did. He took too long to reply and watched as Kayla went from annoyed to pissed at him.

“You know what? I’m done. When my friend is done being an asshole, let me know.”

She spun and walked out of the kitchen, head high. The click of her heels echoed through the empty kitchen. He was an asshole.

He didn’t follow her. He knew better than to chase her down, but he couldn’t shake the sense of betrayal that came from her not telling him. It was irrational, but he didn’t care anymore. He needed to know.



Kayla knocked on Catherine’s door, a bottle of wine in each hand. Since meeting Evan, she’d had a chance to hang out with some of the women in his friend group, but she’d never been specifically included in things like a girl’s night before.

“You’re late,” Catherine teased as she opened the door.

“I brought wine though.” Kayla held up the bottles.

“Too late for that. Get in here and I’ll mix you a drink.” Catherine pulled her into the apartment and shut the door.

Catherine’s apartment was exactly like something out of a magazine. Jenna and Lauren were in the living room, drinks in hand, waving at her. Nothing about that was odd or unexpected. What was unexpected was the pale pink silk pajamas that everyone was wearing.

“Umm, you guys all match?” Kayla pulled at her own blouse. She was definitely overdressed.

“Yes!” Catherine was giddy. “I got you a pair too. Come on, I’ll show you where you can change, and then I’ll make your drink.”

She followed Catherine down the hall and into a bedroom where a box waited on the bed with pink tissue paper sticking out. Kayla was having a hard time wrapping her head around these women.

“No one is leaving tonight. We are drinking and gossiping and having fun. You put those on, because I’m going to get you drunk.” Catherine was a blur as she closed the door to the bedroom leaving Kayla alone.

Kayla pulled the paper back on the white box and noted the pink silk pajamas waiting for her. Her initials were even on the top. Leave it to Catherine to take it too far.

“Screw it,” Kayla laughed. She had good friends here and was going to have a good time.

After slipping the new pajamas on, she looked around for a place to put her clothes, settling on a chair in the far corner. Her phone in hand, she debated leaving it in here with her clothes, but habits were hard to break, and she needed to be available for the restaurant, at least until she was too drunk to be of any help.

Before leaving, she opened the app and sent off a new request to E for a date. The last one had been canceled, but she did want to give it a go, nerves and all. She didn’t wait for his reply, heading off in search of her drink.

Catherine thrust it in her hands before she made it all the way down the hall. “Gotta catch up.” She winked and took a sip of her own drink.

Kayla took a sip and immediately choked. That was all liquor with a little bit of juice for color. “Oh my God,” she managed.

“It’s good right?” Catherine left.

They joined everyone on the sofa and one drink turned into several more. A movie played in the background, but they didn’t watch any of it.

“So, how are your dates going?” Lauren asked.
