Page 23 of After Midnight

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Before she could respond, Gillian walked up wearing a blue, flowy Glinda dress. “Hey, you two.” She linked arms with Brooke and smiled at her costume. “I ran into a friend that wants to book you for a sesh. Can I steal her away for a sec, Nico?”

Brooke looked up at Nico with a tentative smile. “Do you mind?”

“Of course not. I need to find Alex anyway. I’ll meet you back here in a few.” Nico kissed her cheek, turned, and headed in the other direction. He wasn’t looking forward to discussing the subject matter with his brother. He’d put off clearing out his uncle’s house long enough. Now it was time to take care of business.

Scanning the crowd, he found Alex decked out in a shaggy, black wig and long cloak. He pulled off Hagrid without a hitch. Nico got his attention and waved.

Alex stopped in front of him and pulled him into a man hug. He eased back, nodding his approval. “Good costume.”

“You too.” Thanks to Brooke, Nico now sported a fake scar on his forehead and a pair of broken glasses. Sweat broke out on his neck from the muggy night air. He rubbed a hand under his collar. “I’m sweating my ass off in this cape.”

“You and me both. Here’s the plan. I spoke to the lawyer, and he says we need to go to Uncle George’s house by the end of the week and clear it out before the auctioneer stops by. After that, the realtor can put it on the market.” Alex patted him on the back. “I get this will be hard for you, but it’s time.”

“I still can’t believe Uncle George is gone.” Saying the words out loud felt like a sucker punch to the gut. He’d always been his biggest cheerleader. “Let me know the day and time that works for you, and I’ll be there.”

“Will do. I need to go find Willow. I’ll catch up with you later.”

After Nico shook his brother’s hand, he walked back through the crowd and found Brooke back at his food stand. “Let’s go somewhere private where we can talk.” Taking her hand, Nico laced their fingers together.

“I’ve got just the place.” Brooke pointed in the opposite direction, away from the commotion.

They cut across Washington Street, passing the old clock tower now decked out with balloons. The warm summer night surrounded them like a cocoon as they walked along the moon-drenched path to Elysian Park.

“There’s something I want to show you.” When they got to the entrance, they walked to a secluded area of the park. They stopped at a copse of towering trees. He looked up at the largest one he’d ever seen. Twisted branches loomed overhead, creating a canopy above them.

He pointed to the tree and whistled. “Pretty impressive.” The night came alive with the chirp of crickets. The bushes blinked with fireflies. The heavy scent of pine filled the air.

“This is the Hollow Oak.” Brooke pressed her hand against the bark. “It’s an enchanted tree that some believe makes wishes come true.” The sweet sound of her voice lulled him like a siren’s call.

“An enchanted tree?” Nico chuckled at the whimsy.

She bumped his shoulder. “It’s true. This is the oldest tree in Raven’s Hollow and there’s a legend surrounding it.”

Pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, he ran his fingers over the elegant column of her neck. He took off his glasses and shoved them in the front pocket of his shirt, giving her his full attention. “By all means, indulge me with the legend.” He’d never bought into the myth and lore surrounding the town before, but the way her eyes lit up made him curious.

A breath fell from her lips like she might reveal some deep, dark secret. “If you stand under the tree when the moon is full and make a wish, your wish will come true. This tree is special to me. My family has a connection to it that goes back generations.”

“Does this have anything to do with what’s been bothering you all night?” He caressed her cheek.

“Yes.” She gave him a sorrowful smile. “I don’t know where to start. This is about us…about our relationship.”

“Talk to me, Brooke.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “There’s not a soul around. We have this whole place to ourselves.”

“Do you see those initials?” She angled her head to the center of the tree.

If he squinted, he could pick up the faint traces of the letters L&M in a heart. “Who were they?”

“Melinda was my ancestor. She’s a descendant of Elizabeth Howe, one of the women put to death during the Salem Witch Trials.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “I read about the trials, but I didn’t make the connection with your last name.”

“Witches flocked to this town from Salem and the British equivalent—Boscastle, England—to avoid persecution.” Pulling away, she turned back to the tree, tracing a finger over the heart. “Melinda came here with her family to the first Founder’s Festival and crossed paths with a handsome stranger named Lucas. He saved her from a horse and buggy coming down the street and the two fell madly in love.” Her voice lapsed into a dreamy cadence that lulled him deeper into the story.

“It sounds like love at first sight.” If Melinda looked anything like Brooke, then Nico could relate. The first time they’d met, she’d blindsided him with her beauty and wit. He leaned against the tree, and he swore he’d been in this exact spot with Brooke before. He shook his head to dispel the odd sensation.

“Lucas was promised to another from birth, so they were forced to meet in secret, and correspond through letters. This is where they shared their first kiss.” Turning back to face him, Brooke parted her lips. She released a whispery breath that got his heart thumping.

“Sounds romantic. Was there a happy ending to their story?” he asked, enthralled by the tale of lovers and the catch in her voice.
