Page 30 of After Midnight

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“You didn’t let what your mother did break you because you’re strong and resilient. You can’t let this belief in some supernatural force come between us.” Anger colored his face and edged back into his voice as he got to his feet.

“Don’t go, not like this,” she whispered, and her heart broke a little more. The season would change, and she’d never see him again. This couldn’t be happening.

“I won’t play this game with you, Brooke. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you. I love everything about you, your sharp mind and your fascination with astrology and your sweetness. I want to share my life with you. I want to be there when you’re happy or sad. I want to be all in for the long-haul.” He looked lost and wounded.

“I only wish I could promise you something that will last.” Pulling her knees to her chest, she stared at his face, committing every detail to memory.

“Bullshit. You’re pulling away from me, and it hurts.”

“The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you, which is why I have to let you go.” The words exploded from Brooke’s chest. All the happiness she’d been feeling these past few weeks shriveled and turned as black as the sky.

“I could chase you and promise you everything, but it won’t change a damn thing.” The hurt in his voice blistered between them and tore her to shreds. “There are no guarantees in this life…none. When you’re ready to hold onto what we have, let me know.” Crossing the room to her door, he opened it and walked out of her life.

The finality in his words felt like a crushing blow that shattered her insides. Brooke couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe. A sob broke loose. Her heart crumbled into pieces. Tears streamed down her cheeks and splashed onto her neck in big, salty drops.What have I done?

Her chest ached with physical pain, and she realized this was what it felt like to have her heart break.



Leaning against the side of his car, Nico regretted how he’d left things with Brooke. He’d never experienced this sense of loss before, even after his divorce.

His phone rang. He lifted it out of his pocket and cursed under his breath when Alex’s number flashed across the screen instead of Brooke’s. He pressed accept and put the phone to his ear. “What’s up?”

“We need to get over to Uncle George’s house tomorrow, before the storm hits to make sure the basement doesn’t flood and the windows are secure.”

“Shit, I almost forgot.” His head was all over the place. “I can be there bright and early.” He’d welcome the distraction.

“You sound funny. Are you okay?” After Nico released a frustrated breath, he began to process his new reality. And then a wave of emotion knocked him in the head like a right hook. “No. I just lost the love of my life.”

* * *


“Hey, honey? You need to get out of bed and rejoin the land of the living.”

When Brooke looked up, she found Arabella at the end of her bed holding a tray filled with toast, fresh berries, and a mug of tea. Brooke had filled her in on her breakup with Nico after he left. She couldn’t seem to stop crying.

Setting the tray down on her nightstand, Arabella walked to the windows and drew the curtains back, revealing the dark, stormy day that mirrored Brooke’s mood. She sunk deeper into the pillows, trying to push down the despair wreaking havoc over her heart.

“Staying in this bed isn’t going to change anything. Why don’t you try and eat something?” Arabella walked back to the side of her bed and motioned to the tray.

“I’m too nauseated to eat, but I love you for trying.” She swiped at the tears in her eyes. “I’ve never been this emotional.” When Brooke tried to imagine a life without Nico, a cold malaise settled over her limbs like wet cement. She could chalk it up to another doomed relationship, but not this time. Her heart wouldn’t let her. The need to be close to Nico consumed every part of her.

Arabella shoved Brooke’s pumps out of the way and took a seat on the bench facing her bed. Brooke’s heart swelled with love and gratitude for her friend for sticking by her in the depths of her despair. “What about getting up and trying to do something productive? We could go downstairs to the gym and do some yoga,” she prompted. “It might make you feel better and get you out of your funk.”

“I don’t have the energy to do much of anything right now.” She’d kept mementoes of her time with Nico all over her room. Now everywhere she looked reminded her of him. The cocktail napkin from the W Hotel sat on her dresser, and a pair of pink fuzzy slippers he’d given to her sat beside her bed. A Founder’s Day T-shirt and a goofy photo of the two of them in costume had been placed on a bookshelf. Little notes and cards were taped to her mirror. The roses from their first date were now tied with string and hanging upside down from her headboard. When she touched the edge of a petal, it fell like a tear.

“I’m here to listen if you want to talk,” Arabella said in a soft voice.

Brooke looked over at Arabella and sighed. “He’s gone for good.” A part of her wondered if she’d ever get over this sense of loss, and another part of her would always be grateful for her time with Nico.

“You took a chance. But you can’t give up. Nico’s worth the fight.” Arabella gave her an encouraging smile.

“It’s too late.” The pain in Brooke’s chest expanded and threatened to crack open.

“It’s never too late. You’ve waited your whole life to meet someone like Nico and now you’ve found the real deal.”
