Page 6 of After Midnight

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Brooke couldn’t remember much about the short drive over to the hotel; her mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of Nico. After she pushed through the revolving doors, she darted through the crowd. Her heels scraped against the parquet floor, mirroring the pounding of her heart.

Perspiration broke out along her neck. She breathed in and out, trying to rein in the butterflies floating around in her stomach. As she approached the bar, she spotted Nico right away. He towered over everyone else and looked mouth-watering in his light blue button down and dark jeans.

Their gazes locked from across the room, and for a moment, she forgot to breathe. Nico exuded an intense masculinity and a natural sensuality that made her heart pound. She’d been drawn to his magnetic presence from the first moment she’d laid eyes on him, and now the sensation only seemed to intensify.

Two-hundred-plus pounds of muscle walked over to where she stood and sent female heads turning in every direction. “You made it.”

“I’m sorry. I hope you weren’t waiting long.” Brooke caught a whiff of his sandalwood cologne, and fought the urge to sigh.

His searing gaze trailed over her face and then slowly down her body. “It was worth it.” He bent his head and kissed her cheek. The press of his lips on her skin made her tingle. She’d never been this attracted to another person. “Thanks for coming,” he said close to her ear as they walked to the bar.

“Of course.”

“What would you like to drink?” Nico pushed the barstool out for her with a smile.

Hopping onto the stool, Brooke set her clutch on the bar. “I’ll have white wine. I can’t wait to hear about your dates.”

His poker face gave nothing away. “Well, my first date with Claire started out okay. We talked for a bit and got as far as the appetizer when she started asking what I was doing for Thanksgiving. After she gave me her timeline for getting engaged and having kids, I decided we weren’t a match and ended the night early.”

“Oh, no. She came across so normal in her interview, maybe a bit type A.” She shook her head. “I feel terrible.”

“Don’t. It’s not your fault. These things happen.” He signaled to the bartender.

The bartender came back and set a goblet in front of her on a cocktail napkin. “For the lady.”

“Thank you.” She pulled out her wallet.

Nico’s hand closed over hers and sent a jolt of electricity zinging up her arm. “This is on me.”

She glanced down at his long, tapered fingers covered with tiny red marks and found the fact that he worked with his hands as sexy as the rest of him. “Okay, but the next one’s on me. Back to your dates, what about Emily? The teacher? She’s a Sagittarius. You’re a perfect match. Did you two vibe at all?” she asked, taking a sip of her wine.

“She’s a nice woman, but there was zero chemistry. It felt like I was on a date with my sister, and I don’t have a sister. Besides, she’s still hung up on her ex, so I gave her some advice.” Nico angled his barstool to face her and folded his arms across his wide chest.

“You gave her dating advice? Whoa, it sounds like I might have some competition. Do tell. What did you suggest?”

Nico laughed, and the sound tightened her chest. “I told her to call him.”

“From your date?”

A spark of mischief flashed in his dark eyes. “Yeah, they talked and then she left to meet him. Who knows, maybe they’ll invite me to their wedding.”

Her heart melted. Talk about being a good sport about the whole thing. And of course, it only magnified his hotness. “I checked her out beforehand and she said she was single. I’m so sorry.”

“Hey,it’s okay.” Nico squeezed her knee, sending a rush of heat between her thighs. “I don’t doubt you.”

“What about your third date with Lydia? The attorney?”

Nico frowned. “She treated the wait staff like crap and sent her food back twice. I told her I owned a restaurant, but that didn’t seem to deter her behavior. In fact, it got progressively worse throughout dinner.”

“Nothing like this has ever happened before.”Could fate be playing her hand? “I’ll refund your fee back in full, Nico.”

Heat smoldered in his eyes. “I’m not disappointed at all. I don’t know if I believe in the stars aligning or in some cosmic force, but I can’t help but think that this all happened for a reason—maybe because we’re both single at the same time.”

Warmth radiated from her chest. The tension twisted her stomach into another knot.It would be so easy to get caught up in the idea of being with Nico. But the inevitable fallout would be devastating within their friend group. Nico, I...”

“Do you remember when you asked me what my favorite color was?”
